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Kinky interactions for the D/s inclined

A list of my meanderings into the world of kink
2 months ago. July 13, 2024 at 4:16 PM

My very first Dominant and I parted ways.  I learned an important lesson.


I'm needy.


I need structure

I need focus

I need accountability

I need to be valued

I need to be praised

I need to be known


and most of all


I need attention

SageFlame​(sub female) - Those are normal human needs. Expectations on how those are met may take time to develop. It appears you are free to discover and find a better match!
2 months ago
LoveandDevotion​(sub female){Looking} - Good to identify. It's okay to be needy.
2 months ago
SubSided​(sub female) - Thank you. I didn't realize how much.
2 months ago

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