Now that i have been properly welcomed home (thank you sir John and Mrs. B.) and starting to think again I realized how disjointed my previous blog must have looked in my defense I some times forget what blogs where left behind the other site we where on and I had not had any sex for a while so have not been in my right mind. to start I should explain many years ago in response to a request from someone sir knew he set out to serch for a man who's adult child had not seen him for most of his life he knew he was alive because he would receive gifts on his birthday and Christmas every year from the same town in Colorado. thanks to his Indian heritage tracking and the skills from the army. he found and gave the man the message from his son. what that message was I do not know. along the way sir encountered several men like this man.
Sir and Jane decided that it was about time someone helped them as much as they could. so the bi-yearly trips came into being he would carry food,medicine, ammo to them now these are proud men and yes women and he would trade for stones or gold or silver that they had found where they lived. Over time he found that the people gave him more then what the items were worth so sir started a ledger with there earnings carefully maintained so he could show them what they had.
This book was called the ledger of honor no one but sir and Jane were allowed to look at it and then Jen the cfo of the family. Over the years sir has made sure these men were returned home and berried with honor or according to there wishes the families were notified and received the earnings that there loved ones made. the old ones are gone but there is a new crop men and women from the front so we still go out and we still trade twice a year according to sirs wishes. we continue his calling and it has become a family honor now.