Like we have the private office the ladies each have there own meditation place. It is a small but comfortable pentagon shaped building in it there are shelves for nick-knacks and books a round fire place two widow and a roof sky-lite that opens for flow through ventilation everyone needs a place to center themselves a place to retreat to. sir said that by giving them a place like this and then staying away from it will go a long way to stopping problems before they get out of hand. When i asked him why a wood burning fireplace he said it has to do with our ancestors there is just something about a wood fire that acts on the basic part of the brain watching it is almost like staring into the eyes of god.
Setting time aside everyday was a vital part of the dynamic it is the communication that makes the dynamic work if you set aside time every day to just talk you will eliminate most problems while they are still small this is the reason most relationships fail. People have a habit of changing or growing a dynamic of any kind is like a living thing and needs feeding at times this is why conversation is the food by witch it thrives and understanding is what makes it grow.