When I went down to dinner I found a young man waiting for me he introduced himself as Tim he said he was to be my diner companion for the evening and took me to my seat and of course held my chair. Now I had been to some formal diners in the past but this was a little different normally the table was served top to bottom but they served bottom to top with him being served last same for the wine. Later I was to find out his reason was to make sure those he felt responsibility for are feed first he was this way with everything he did. It was a bit of a shock to see him at diner unlike when we first met he was almost like a completely different man well groomed articulate and highly deferential to his guest wants but the fact that he would take everything in stride stayed the same. When Rita dropped a plate behind him he only asked if she was alright no look of startle just a question of concern for her no anger. When diner was done he stood and toasted me as his guest then told every one to go and have fun be back Monday and sober. He then said Jill will you follow me to my office and answer some questions you have.
Have you ever noticed that when you are with someone who is in complete command of himself and his surrounding's as a women you get that twitch in a most embarrassing place that was what I felt and he was old enough to be my grandfather. He sat me down gave me a drink and sat behind his desk and told me to sip my drink as it is very strong no I don't normally like strong drink but this was different it went down without the burn I was expecting but I felt the warmth in my belly radiating up and through me when I asked he smiled and said it was a private batch of bourbon that he had made for himself. Now to answer two of the questions on your mind I am one of those men who can get what he asks for because I have the wealth and power and even more importantly I ask I do not order. And you are here because your father asked me to take you under my wing. To teach you how to survive out there on the trail and your father has never asked me for anything before and it was for you and not him I had you sent here. Does this answer your two most important questions. I asked him my father or my stepfather he smiled and said at the request of the man who stuck around to help raise you. If you choose to call him stepfather that of course is up to you. He said it in a way that made me feel a little foolish.
Now tomorrow you will get a new horse and begin working together as on the trail you and your horse are dependent on each other to live and he will have to learn to trust you. You will also learn effective shooting and that is different then target practice on a range for points. You will learn both pistol and rifle. Now there is something else you should be aware of he was interrupted by a knock at the door Jane looked around the door and wolf entered sat next to me and put her head on my lap. And she asked if she was late no my love like everything you do you are right on time to explain things to her. She came in and I was surprised to see her in nothing more the a g-sting and high heels. Good I'll take it from here if you like and tell her what's what so she understands why don't you get ready for bed this should not take long.