I was a little late when I walked in my first thought was W.T.F how does a 60 something woman do that she standing there legs slightly apart bent over head between her knees feet flat on the floor and lookin like it was the most natural stance in the world she stayed that way for ten minuets at least and stood not even breathing heavy all the way back backwards hands on the floor and held that for another ten at least I sat down feet crossed mouth open feeling very inadequate at 23 thinking I was in good shape. But she makes it worse by standing up flows into sitting position bottom of her feet together bends over forehead to her feet knees flat on the floor holds that sits up and put both legs behind her head and holds that bring one foot at a time down and stands. breath in prefect control. She looks at me with a smile says because I have to and if you are lucky you will too. Now ladies lets get you started we then spent a half hour stretching before going out for a run. when we are done with the run and have catch our breath she sets a hard pace it in for breakfast and then a shower. I go outside and see Tim at the coral he waves me over and stand for a minuet and he says sit on the rale and wait several of the horses come over to sniff me until one just stand there. He said I thought so she like you and hands me a cut piece of pear the horse come over and takes it from my hand then comes closer to sniff my hair. Tim says her name is nasty the only horse she gets along with is sirs warhorse so that's good she has chosen you so be here after lunch till then just enjoy yourself.
He was sitting by the pool watching his girls swim and play. May I sit of course he said can I ask you some things sure he said the only stupid question is the one not asked old saying from an old man. O.K. what made you the way you are? Ah that's easy but the explanation is long I was made this way by love and war, 50 years ago it was hard to grow up mixed but I had some very good parents they showed me how to combat bigots with love and humor taught to love even the ones who don't deserve it. The war showed me what life can be when there is no control so when I came home and took the time to think it over I decided that I would not live my life with out control or even trust some one else to control it. But the love in me made it hard to just let others suffer so I took responsibility for those closest to me. weather at home or work I control myself first and then others around me and the best way to control others is showing care and concern for there lives. Yes I am going to show you how to be in control of your life at all times so you can survive what life out there tosses your way. But what if I don't want to be in control all the time suppose I want someone else to be in control some times he turned to look at me and said that is the reason you are here. Your parents know you better then you know yourself at this point so they asked me to give you a place to run to to always feel safe to be yourself. So Jane said yes and that obligates me for you see I am a man with hart but no soul I lost that in the war and it took 15 years to find my soul it just resides in that little woman so there you have it she showed me how to show love again and I showed her who she was inside in me she can be a famous designer and the slut she always wanted to be and have both sides cherished, protected and loved she can be complete like she makes me does that answer you when you see me you only see half the man when you look at her you see the other half when we are together like now you see the whole person. Some day you will be complete and you will see how good life is.