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taxi's ladies

A poly family. We are 6 mothers 2 grandmothers an aunt.
4 years ago. November 18, 2020 at 11:58 AM

  Sir called this "A place of her own" Sir James claimed this was a necessity for any sub but just like any it depends on the sub how important it is, some will claim it is not needed these are the ones that never had one.


   Inside every woman beats the hart of a little girl. Remember you are not just a man you are a Dom in the old days they had different names the ladies sitting room or parlor or even the sawing room. It makes no difference what it is called it is a room that is hers and just hers, if you are smart you give her one and the important thing to remember is unless asked stay out of it. It becomes the place she will keep her secrets in, her place to dream or just her place of safety to think her thoughts out.

  This is a very important for her mental health and forming her ideas of change she wants to bring to you or changes in herself she wishes to make. As her standing in whatever job she does the more she will need a place to just unwind so she can be the sub she wants to be for you. it is her meditation room her exercise room or just the place she keeps her diary or scrap book. 

  This need not be a large room but it should be comfortable quiet and worm and cozy. if you have a city apartment and you have a storage place clean it out move what you want to keep to an extra unit outside the building fix it up the way she wants and then give her the key and forget about it. I my case I was fortunate to have a large yard and built the two small heated units in the yard  one for each later after Dena passed her place became our daughters aside from her bed room. When we moved to Colorado I had Janes unit moved to here and Mary's put in storage for her in case she wanted it.  


Mari's NOTE: when Jane died I received a letter telling me what to save from there mostly her journals and some art she bought I moved them to my unit for safe keeping and its good thing I did. Because sir James ordered it burnt without looking at it. He was in a great deal of pain and was not thinking straight for several months after.       


Grey Eyes​(sub female){Owned}Verified member - More great insight. Thanks Ladies. Grief can bring us to our knees. As well we know. 😢
4 years ago
sir james ladies​(sub female){oh yes ple} - it was the first and only time that we could not reach him he spent an entire month in his office drinking him self in to oblivion so he would not feel the pain. it took Mary to start him on the road back with simple word's "daddy I need you" that's all just those words brought him back to the living again.
4 years ago
Grey Eyes​(sub female){Owned}Verified member - ❤ and I am so glad all of you ladies had each other to lean on once he passed. The pain can be so intense that it blinds you to everything.
4 years ago
sir james ladies​(sub female){oh yes ple} - yes and this too he planed that we would have each other to share and lessen to pain for each.
4 years ago
Sir Don​(dom male){Nt looking} - This is very insightful. His thoughts of how he took care of y'all. The " she-shed" is special in its own way.
His love caused him to momentarily mind altering pain. ❤
4 years ago
sir james ladies​(sub female){oh yes ple} - well we understood in the same accident he lost Jane and Ann his ex-wife and almost lost Jen and Jo-Beth and his brothers twin son's so after handling all the arrangements for the care and transport back he just broke down.
4 years ago
Sir Don​(dom male){Nt looking} - I understand and totally get it.. so much in such a short time period. I hope you are taking care of you as well. Also all of the ladies and newbies 😁😏🤔
4 years ago
sir james ladies​(sub female){oh yes ple} - All I will say is between sir Tim and having Jill with me and cook most of the gaps are filled 😂😂😂😂💋💋💋
4 years ago

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