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A Dom's Tale ~ The journey there and back again

Thoughts and notes on the journey.....
4 months ago. May 26, 2024 at 4:00 AM


In honor and loving memory of my father.....


Never Forget.....


Those who have served to provide to us the blanket of freedom we have become so very accustomed to...That have given their time, their hearts, their courage, their bodies, and sometimes their very lives

Those who sacrificed so very much , who gave all ....

Yes, on this day we honor our service men and women, from the very first heartbeat of our nation until now...,through tomorrow and beyond. We honor the fallen, the wounded, those who served before and those serving today. What you have given us cannot be repaid. And as they come into the forefront of our minds today,  PLEASE don't forget the others who have borne the cost of our freedom.   





Thank you to the husbands, wives, and spouses of the fallen, They cannot hold you today, but we can....






Thank you to the children who will never feel their parent's loving embrace again, or have their parent's to guide them through life, let us all do our part to do what may be done ...






Thank you to the parents who bore the ultimate injury, "No parent should ever bury a child", to the brothers and sisters who lost a sibling... we give our purest and sincerest thanks and eternal gratitude.






America, put aside for a day your differences, between us let there be no black, white, indian, asian or other races. Forget about ALL OF OUR DIFFERENCES for a day. For today, we must honor those who made our very existence and right to be free even possible, and remain ever mindful of the duties and responsibilities we owe the ones they left in our care.....

5 months ago. April 27, 2024 at 6:15 PM

   You were there again, waiting for me to leave the conscious existence,  obscured, hidden by the wafting fog. Yet...I could hear your sweet sobs, feel the pain emanating from you like a rogue sun. I had never met you, yet I knew you.  And When at long last I finally found you, I walked you to the end of the pier, embraced you on the bench, held you tightly and quelled your fears as the sun set across the ocean sprawled out before us.


   No words were spoken, yet a lifetime was shared in a moment. After a time, I was able to finally still your mind, put your soul at complete rest, and as you looked up toward me, the sun glistening yet paled by the light in your eyes, as you began to speak .... beep  beep  beep ... the alarm rips us apart, I sense myself falling away, back toward my endless search .... Then as if a doorway into the future had opened, a song gently plays in the shower .... did you send it?


7 months ago. February 16, 2024 at 1:29 AM


         Sitting there staring at a cold, emotionless  computer screen, searching again for what you do not have, to fill that which cannot be filled alone, to silence that which cannot be silenced, to somehow quench that burning desire in your soul to be more than you are, to fulfill the destiny you know you are worthy of,, a precious sculpture waiting to be finished by the artisan strokes of the masters hand, ever so gently guided by your own torrid lusts and desires.... .


       And then, deep in the silence of the night, can you hear it?  the smallest whisper of a voice, emanating from, of all You desperately try to focus on it,  give it some other origin point,  reclaim your sanity if it can be done. You repeat to yourself, this is not possible, yet the voice gains more volume and strength with each passing moment ..until finally you can begin to make out what it is saying ..... "find me".... "find me"  "FIND ME!!". 


        Your mind races as you feverishly try to work out what it could mean... find me? Find who? After what seems an eternity, your mind flashes back to the blogs you were reading last night. You recall how the author seemed to speak right into your soul, how it seemed he had found your diary and read it aloud to a waiting crowd, exposing every weakness, no matter how carefully shadowed with time. And yet ... you did not reach out to them, you know you should have, you know it could mean the end of your search, your happiness finally forged into reality, but you also know the dangers such a a person can bring.


     So I am not entirely certain who I am writing this blog to, but if it is you dear reader ...


Find me ... eternity waits .....


With Great respect for all ..





8 months ago. January 9, 2024 at 5:40 PM

See the ball Danny ... BE the ball   :)

9 months ago. December 12, 2023 at 1:11 PM

By request I am reposting a blog (with some revisions) that seems to becoming a holiday tradition for me! I hope you enjoy it  :)


Twas The Night Before Christmas - on the Cage


Twas the night before Christmas, just home from the pub,
Not a creature was stirring, 'cept me and my sub,
She was on our big toy, with love and with care,
And I as her Dom, could not wait to be there;



 Her bottom I'd paddled, now warm and so red,
;While release found in orgasm, screamed in her head.
With my sub damn near naked,  and me in my cap,
I just settled her back down, for more swats on my lap,



When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the dungeon to see what was the matter.
from the side of the window, so no neighbor we’d flash,
still rubbing her bottom, still warm as fresh ash,


The moon glancing off her, every curve it did show,
I found myself grateful, and my heart was aglow,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,


With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
I glanced at the clock, midnight it did chime,
We were up way too late, now we had no more time.


My wishes I’d asked for now raced through my mind,
But we were not asleep, Santas here... in a bind.
We were both well aware, if he saw us awake,
No gifts would be left, our presents at stake!


We dashed for the bedroom, got there in a tick,
But just too damn slow, racing good ol’ St. Nick.
In a flash he appeared, standing there in the room,
My hopes for this Christmas, were replaced now with gloom.


He’d caught us awake, now the presents were lost,
But he just faintly smiled, we well knew the cost.
My sub started weeping, laying there on the bed,
Her eyes getting swollen, tear filled and red.


My Sir, please forgive me, she started to say,
I fear I have failed you, and ruined this day.
As her tears started running, across that sweet cheek,
My heart started breaking, and I knew I must speak.


My love I replied, there’s no fault in you,
This is not your doing, your heart is so true.
Her act of devotion, this attempt to distract,
My resolve it did strengthen, and I knew I must act.

Please Santa, I pleaded, it was not her fault,
I kept her awake, tied up by the vault.
She gives me so much, and asks for so little,
Her last Dom was cruel, he’d berate and belittle.



He promised the world, said he's honest and true,
Yet all he provided, was using her too.
The day that she found me, still clear in my mind,
Was my day of rebirth, her soul bound to mine. 


And on this first Christmas, together at last,
She's finally living, getting free from her past.
Please make an exception, she is not to blame,
The fault here is mine, tis me you should shame.


The gifts we have asked for, seem odd to the norm,
But I desperately need them, her heart to keep warm.
There’s paddles and crops, and tools for the top,
And blankets and cocoa, and things for sub drops


And nighties and leathers, and great stuff to wear,
Along with some comforts for great aftercare.
These things that we asked for, perhaps way too much,
Are things that we need, they’re not just a crutch.


He looked at my sub, so gentle and pure,
Then gave me a glance, as if to assure.
“my boy you are blind, it’s so easy to see,
But take some advice, from an old man like me.



Indeed your first Christmas, with her as your own,
There is more to this story, than you've ever known.
This woman God made you, and brought to you here,
He brought you here too, to help silence her fear.

For you see I have known her, battered and weak,
Her heart rent to tatters, her future so bleak. 
With her body and soul, and mind under attack,
So close to the end, with no will to fight back.

Yet the power within her, so pure and so true,
Found a way to preserve her, and bring her to you.
Her search finally ended, her future secure,
With this dynamic God gave you, so strong and so pure.


She has travelled a road, not many could walk,
In search of “a True Dom” not bullshit and talk.
When others surrendered, gave in to the dark,
She has somehow endured,  her life only a spark.



 Her soul has survived it, these heartbroken tours,
Not perfect for certain, but neither is yours.
The power within her, now blinding and bright,
She now offers to you, keep it safe with your might.

See all the toys in the world, would not be enough,
Not the whips or paddles or padded handcuffs,
The gift that is lent you, that she trusts in your hands,
This act of submission, so noble and grand.


A tear gently rolled, down Santas red cheek,
He lifted her chin, then again he did speak.
Take care of her son, protect her and pray,
Shelter her heart, and do not fade away.



Her heart is now speaking, gentle and true,
For her there's no other, no other but you.
Keep her and hold her, for her safety I pray,
And worship the gift that you hold on  this day.

10 months ago. November 11, 2023 at 3:24 PM

10 months ago. October 29, 2023 at 6:11 PM

    The enshrouded pathway beckons me travel onward with the unfulfilled promise of a destiny unrealized, and a soul unfulfilled. As I make my way round the curves and valleys, the logical side of my brain begins to question my purpose, or my sanity, though both seem intertwined upon this journey, this quest, this all encompassing search for the Holy Grail.



     Several endless years have now passed since I made my first footprints on this path, and I can tell you no reservations that the cost of this path is greater than any other path of its nature.  This search for the True Bdsm Dynamic, this quest to find the one who will complete me, fill the jagged valleys while I fill hers, complete me as I complete her. While I could regress into my past a bit, and enjoy some physical encounters from time to time, I know in my heart that they would leave me hollow inside, and more alone than before, so I abstain, and endeavor to persevere in my quest.   

    So my mind wanders to purpose and process, do I need to revise? I read a blog today where a lady was hoping someday to be "won", I suppose like the knights of old.  But, submission cannot be won,  it must be offered and given freely to one who is worthy of keeping and safeguarding it.

     Nor can it be enticed by a Poet laureate, a vanilla mate may succumb to such words and writings, but a submissive, a true submissive is far too strong to have her mind so easily tempted.

     So what of the ancient ones, could she be simply sought out, and dragged back the cave? lol, she might enjoy the hair pulling, or the primal pursuit,  but those pleasures of the flesh could never cause the act of submission by themselves.


    Which brings me back full circle, watching, waiting, walking, and hoping. But at least I have the pleasure of knowing how much  I have personally grown on this journey, how my eyes have been opened to possibilities I never before considered. And if in the end, the True Bdsm Dynamic escapes me, at least I am grateful for the journey and the friends found along it's path.

~~Just points to ponder~~


1 year ago. September 20, 2023 at 12:06 PM

1 year ago. June 28, 2023 at 2:23 AM

I made a recent contact with a very nice lady, she read several of my blogs (perhaps all of the even.. whew!), as I returned the favor of reading her blogs I could not help but notice she had made contact with the dastardly bastardly SUPER DOM! Not her fault at all really, we all know that twerp is always looking for new people to try and impress until his sugar coating wears off and all thats left is the smell of poo!  So ... thought I'd repost the ol bugger as little refresher and a fair warning to all the newbies so they might spot em coming faster!



I am one in a million Baby!
(I'm harder to find than a covid mask at a Trump Rally)

(hee hee -- had to)


You MUST call me Sir and submit to my will 

upon hearing my name! I mean .. I would!



(resistance is futile Earth-Sub!)


I know how to act in a restaurant

(You heard me order your submission... right? )


I have eyes more powerful than dracula!

(You are getting sleepy! So take off your clothes and run to me .. blah blah!)


I am MASTER of every kink there is

(And a few I keep safe from the world!)


I can read your mind

(So stop arguing about what you think you think!)


I know exactly what you need to hear!

(Now if I could only add some truth to it)


I never make a mistake

(I mean, we both know YOUR always in the wrong, so make it up to me sugar lips!)


I am cool, I am classy, I am debonair!

(So bow down baby, help me comb this hair!)


I attract subs because I am made of catnip for subs!

(Don't make me send another "pic" of lil' super-dom!)
(or at least give me time to google another that looks the same)


I have but one weakness ....REALITY.

(as long as we avoid that, you will be mine forever!)


1 year ago. May 20, 2023 at 1:51 AM
