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Ancestory Controvercial Saints

Once upon a time in ROME a lady of Rome Agladae had a steward (butler) named Bonifacius. Now all the things I'm about to say were legal at the time period. He ran her businesses which included prostitution, skilled trades, and land agriculture. The only thing that was strictly illegal was they fell in love. It was illegal because he was her slave. Now he was no saint. They say he was a drunk, but also helped her throw three orgies. Orgies were a sign of economic power and political. might. They were also very popular naturally. Eventually they searched for a new high / experience. A new highly illegal mystery cult was flowing around the capital. Agladae wanted to join, but the cult known as Christianity, but their reputation proceeded them. They were unconvinced, so they sent them on a suicide mission. The clergy sent them to acquire the bones of martyrs, so they could prepare a reliquary for these saints and a small church. She sent Bonifacius and two other servants. I call them Lenny and Squiggy, because they are unnamed. When they were boarding a boat to go to Tarsus Bonifacius told his mistress a bad joke. " If I get myself martyred then you could build a church for me," he boasted. Agladae was unamused and chided him for it.

Upon arriving at Tarsus Bonifacius informed Lenny and Squiggy that he was off to look for martyr bones. They didn't believe him, and thought he was off to find booze and a brothel. Three days later he never returned. They assumed he was in a bar fight, in a ditch, or killed by a prostitute. Eventually they came across this man who knew of him. " He was killed for being a Christian." " No that can't be right this is a complete perverted moron" they replied. " Yup sounds like him" replied the man. Then he took them to the body in question and sure enough it was Bonifacius.

Once off the boat Bonifacius went to where martyr Christians were being tortured. A crowd was naturally watching the show, and Bonifacius slowly made his way to the front. Then he crossed the line, and antagonized the Roman soldiers and torturers. " My fellow Christians endure for the pain you feel is but brief! Heavens glory will shine upon you if you keep going!" Then he fell to his knees kissing their chains and feet. The amused soldiers did the most logical thing. Clubbed the idiot over the head and sent him to the governor. The governor was confused and amused by his antic, and demanded an explanation. " I am a Christian" " Ok, if you are willing to make an offering to the Emperor or gods I'll let you go." " I will not worship false idols Jesus is the one true God" Enraptured by his entertainment he ordered molten lead poured down his throat. Then he cut off his head.

Lenny and Squiggy got permission from the Governor to take his body back to his mistress. When they arrived she already knew from a dream. She built a church and placed Bonifacius in it. Then she sold her possession and lived a humble modest life away from court, and went to this church every day.
4 years ago. October 1, 2019 at 5:47 PM


       1.  Catholic and Eastern Orthodox - Saint Bonifacius of Tarsus repented from his rash statement and then went to fulfill his statement in penance. His actions moved Agladae to build the church and mourning her lost love slowly reformed from her transgressions.


     2.  Historians - That this story is fake created by the Catholic Church to inspire perverts, drunks, and idiots to repent and clean themselves up.


     3.   Me -   Bonifacius and Agladae were bored from all the highs of life, and needed something they could truly grasp. Christianity was it, and they fully understood the principles of Christianity if not all the details.  The clergy of Rome had no real reason to believe noble/perverts were here only to find a knew high mistaking this for one of thousand of mystery cults. These two were high risk and Christianity was illegal. The Christians did not want to die so two perverts could find another high get bored and rat them out. Thus sending them on a suicide mission to get them to put up or shut up. 


                 a.   Bonifacius committed martyrdom because he believed in the principles of Christianity, but mostly to save the soul of his mistress and lover. If he martyred himself she would loose something important, and she would not likely relapse into sin. Secondly, if he went to heaven without her. He knew she'd become a saint herself. Then once she got there she'd kick the crap out of him for it. However, she'd be in heaven.


               b.  Agladae  built a church recognizing his sacrifice, and did not relapse if only to beat the shit out of Bonifacius when she got there. However, a far more concrete desire for Christianity.  It was the only religion that might accept their union, because she was pregnant. She did not tell Bonifacius, because it was a death sentence for them both, and she had plans. She would sell her possessions use Christianity network to disappear into unknowns. After he died she had to be even more careful, and probably slipped the baby to a Christian family. Then lived a quiet life of penance and sorrow.



TranquilStorm - Now that's an unexpected read here.
Personally I also align with your view on the events, though the story itself does not necessarily be fake (enough people of different backgrounds were cruelly murdered during the early rise of christianity).
Though I find it likely Bonifacius wanted to save his soul along the way as well - or ran into a double agent of Galerius and his ilk.
You needs some iron conviction to take that punishment knowingly.
4 years ago
Duke Montefort​(dom male) - The rape of Diocletian was far more interesting with crossdressing, pony play, chains, and worse then death.
4 years ago

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