Finding Kink In All The New Places!
Musicforme2 joins GvS, and Sadie to talk about what it's like to move to a new state and move into a new kink community. Personal experience, great advice found here. Additionally, we discuss Holiday Gifts kink style!
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Also available on its original host with extensive archives:
Talkin' Taboo via ThinkTwiceRadio
Talkin' Taboo is a BDSM oriented podcast modeled after NPR's magazine-style radio programs.
From living the lifestyle to just in the bedroom, all things erotic, exotic, sensual, and seductive discussed here. Real People. Real Kink. Real Experiences. Talkin' Taboo! also fosters acceptance of diverse sexual orientations and erotic expressions through information, education, and entertainment. Creating a world where individuals can express their kink without stigma or shame, one podcast at a time.
Talkin' Taboo Podcast presents its real-life extension, [Real Kink Events][], including the [Metro Series of Meet-ups:][] in accordance with their missions.
Talkin' Taboo's mission is to celebrate all things erotic, exotic, sensual, and seductive, as well as foster acceptance of diverse sexual orientations and erotic expressions through information, education, and entertainment. Creating a world where individuals can express their kink without stigma or shame, one podcast at a time.
Real Kink Events' mission is to foster a safe, inclusive, sanctuary / sacred space / Peaceable Kinkdom, in which individuals can have fun while they explore, play, learn, teach, and skill-share.
The Metro Munch is an intimate get-together where questions can be asked and answered, great conversations can be had, and wonderful friendships can be formed.
Real Kink Events, the Metro Series of Meet-ups, and Talkin' Taboo are properties of Sadie McMaster aka SweetheartSadie.