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Sadie's Sweets

Wicked and sweet thoughts of a sadist.
5 years ago. January 30, 2020 at 2:28 AM

This quick, two-minute mindfulness meditation leads to better self-pleasuring and stronger orgasms. Here in part 1, you learn the technique, next week in part 2, you'll learn how to apply it. For the longest time, I didn't understand how mindfulness meditation applied to life let alone how it could improve your sex life. This works for pleasure with others as well as self-pleasuring.

Last year I was put in a position where I basically needed mindfulness to survive and it all clicked into place. Here's hoping you can learn from my mistakes! :-) 

masokitten​(sub female)​{Not lookin} - Following
5 years ago
SweetheartSadie​(sadist female) - Part 2 is posted! <3
5 years ago

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