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Sadie's Sweets

Wicked and sweet thoughts of a sadist.
4 years ago. October 3, 2020 at 6:07 PM

What a ride making this video was!

Cupping (Suction) Set


Since our focus is on playing with yourself I didn’t go through my usual cautions regarding hygiene. As always make sure everything is nice and clean. You can order disposable, single-use cups if you want to play with other people and want to ensure your set is for you only. Additionally, if you fluid bond to your cups, it’s best for your partner to have their own set. They’re very affordable so why not! The more the merrier!

Hygiene 2

The performance of the cups surprised me in the video. When I tested them previously their grip wasn’t as tight after the same amount of pumps. Right before taking the video showered and exfoliated with my favorite Korean Scrubbie Cloths. Result: exfoliation increases the performance of the cups!

I especially love the metal pressure points that these cups have. They add an extra “pain” that feels so good! I got a little distracted making the video with the cup on my arm! Imagine if I had it somewhere else!!!

Enjoy getting kinky with yourself!


The video:



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