In a recent podcast titled Long Distance Relationships, we had a discussion about how it's better to not “cheat” on your long-distance Top by trying to skip out on the tasks that they have assigned you. This brings to mind the old saying: “garbage in, garbage out”. I think this can be applied to everything across your life. You reap what you sow, but it’s also true that the more time and devotion you use to tend your garden the higher the yield.
Each Exquisite Detail
When you spend time planning for your scene and adding special elements, I find that it's far more satisfying than pick up play. Don't get me wrong there's a time and a place for a quick, rough fuck and a spontaneous scene. However, there's an equally delicious yet different satisfaction in experiencing a scene for which we have planned for and nurtured in great detail.
Building Excitement
Just thinking about the scene I may have in the near future starts to get me excited as the anticipation smolders. Carefully planning and crafting expectations is an intense pleasure its own right. I think I even get the benefit of the hormones of excitement if what they say is true, that the mind can’t tell the difference between what is imagined and what is real.
When The Moment Arrives
When the moment arrives for the scene to begin in the flesh, setting it up becomes a ritual. Experts say that things are better after a ritual. Birthday Cake is said to taste better after singing “Happy Birthday” according to researchers. Who am I to argue with experts? Setting each implement in its place in preparation for play is the ritual that makes my play so much the sweeter.
Like Foreplay To Orgasm
A week of teasing and innuendo makes me higher than anyone might believe. Then when it’s time to dive into the scene…it is like the ultimate orgasm. Gods I love to take my time!
What about you? Do you like it hard and fast or excruciatingly planned out? Let me know in the comments!