The start to a new week and a marathon one at that. I have school this weekend so it'll be 12 days straight. But it will all be worth it in the end.
So I started today different. I did a very short yoga stretch. I wanted to do more but I will be honest and say I overslept so i did what I could with the time I had. I then did a short submissive meditation (which although I liked some of it I will be looking for something else because well, it just didn't work for me). I am hoping to do another bedtime yoga before I head to bed if I can.
I am also looking for mantra ideas. I have never been good at those - saying them, believing them, but I am thinking that positive statements will do my good. It always sucks when a relationship fails. Especially when it fails for reasons that could have been avoided. One of the parties involved had the nerve to ask me how I could do my job and continue my studies if I couldn't apply them to my own personal life and that seems to be a two fold answer. The first is that I can't fix it on my own. I can only contribute to a solution and if I did everything I would tell a client to do, how much abuse should I take. The other side of that is that when I am working with clients, it is not involving me personally. (And just as an aside if a client described my situation to me, my suggestion would have been it was in their best interest to remove themself from it so there is that too, which is really neither here nor there at this point). All of that to say if anyone has any suggestions of how I can create a helpful mantra, I would appreciate that.
It felt really good for even the short amount of workout today. Once upon a time, I was working out 5-7 days a week every morning, I don't know if I want to go back to that but I am definitely hoping for at least 3 and maybe when I get some winter gloves and hat and coat, I can start getting out to hike at least a couple times a month. I had aspirations for this year, I was supposed to get back into a grove over the summer since I finally had tine off of school but my life going to hell in a handbasket prevented that so guess what, when life hands you lemons - you either make lemonade or freeze them and through them at the people who have hurt you (and that borders on the edge of what I can wrap my brain around so lemonade it is).
I am important. And I have to be a priority in my life. Getting up and getting myself back to being healthy - mentally and physically - is important. I cannot be my best submissive self to anyone if I am not taking care of myself. So here's to a successful day one.
Sunrise and sunset
Opposite sides of the same coin
Each beautiful in their own right
Dominance and submission
Also opposite sides of the same coin
Unique and individual
They complete each other
Making each part a whole
Complementing each other
This will be revisited, I can picture what else I am trying to say but can't find the words at the moment. If only I could bring the picture in my head to a piece of paper but I can assure you all, they never look the same. Giggles.