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the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
3 years ago. March 30, 2021 at 12:16 AM

3 years ago. March 28, 2021 at 11:59 AM


Mine is Squwak Box 🤣🤣🤣🤣

3 years ago. March 23, 2021 at 11:48 AM


A strong-willed woman is a person who speaks her mind and defends her values. Even if she is seen as bossy, demanding, or stubborn, she doesn't really care. She's the kind of woman who wants the best for herself, her loved ones, and for the better of society.



In today’s world, we have dozens of apps, such as Tinder, that can give us instant gratification without having to form real connections. It’s no secret that women are objectified and oversexualized everyday for marketing campaigns, advertisements, and other forms of media, so using your body to get what you want only further perpetuates the idea that women have nothing more to offer than sex. If you want to form long-lasting, deep connections and attract the right attention, share your intellect and feelings with others.
If you carry yourself with dignity and know your self-worth beyond your appearance and sex appeal, you will start to attract others who also want something more than just a shallow connection to fulfill base-level desires.


If you turn on almost any reality TV show today, you won’t find much more than materialism, self-absorption, and sexualization of both men and women. Reality TV and other types of media, despite the name, don’t actually portray reality at all. Watching these superficial shows only makes people become blind followers of icons that don’t necessarily have the best values. Instead of binge-watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians, why not start following other strong women who actually promote causes that help the planet and its inhabitants, and don’t use their bodies or money to gain attention? To name just a couple wonderful women to look up to, Oprah and Ellen DeGeneres certainly fit the bill.


Probably one of the most important tenets of becoming a strong woman is not relying on someone else to come along and rescue you. A strong, independent woman knows she possesses all the power within herself to make positive changes in her life. She doesn’t wait around for someone else to pick her up when she’s down or show her the right way to live her life. While emotional independence may not happen overnight, you can easily work at it each day if you’d like to become a stronger woman. Of course, having relationships with others who we can share our concerns with is important, but we shouldn’t ever look to others to lick our wounds or save us from ourselves.


While women have undeniably been oppressed in the past, and still may not be seen as equals to men in some parts of the world today, you don’t have to perpetuate this belief. Shatter the idea that you somehow have less value than men, because this simply doesn’t have any truth to it. Men and women both play important roles in society, and one gender does not have greater worth than the other. However, playing into the victim mentality and believing that you get treated differently than men will only keep the idea alive that we live in a man’s world.
The best way to overcome this belief is by simply having confidence in yourself, asserting yourself, and sharing your thoughts and ideas with others. If you don’t allow other people to control you, and you stand up for yourself if you believe you have been taken advantage or treated unfairly, then you have mastered one of the best ways to become a strong woman.


Don’t just allow yourself to fall into stagnancy and complacency – keep doing things each day that challenge you both mentally and physically. Life just gets dull if we don’t regularly push ourselves out of our comfort zones and try something new, so don’t hold yourself back just because of self-imposed limitations. Strong women don’t let their minds dictate what they can and can’t do, and push past their barriers even if it feels uncomfortable.


Most importantly, don’t rely on other people for happiness – this will only make you believe that you need someone at all times to feel content. You have everything you need to feel absolutely wonderful about life, so don’t believe any differently. Relationships can definitely provide a source of happiness, but they shouldn’t serve as our ONLY method of finding fulfillment and joy in life.

The funny thing about a strong woman is that she doesn't need you, she wants you!


Proud to say I am a Strong Willed Woman!






3 years ago. March 17, 2021 at 1:58 PM






3 years ago. March 15, 2021 at 10:48 PM

to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive.

I lied today.

Master came into the kitchen and saw the chicken breasts that were defrosting for dinner.

"Are those seasoned?" He asked.

"Yes, Sir. But you have had these before." I replied.

You see Master doesn't like the chicken to be seasoned with anything but salt and pepper.

I bought the wrong kind, sigh! They were marinated in Italian seasoning. The trials of online shopping.

"Okay, if you say so!" He said.

Dinner was prepared.

I rinsed off the seasoning and breaded the meat with a delicious breading then browned and baked the chicken.

I served the meal and Master ate the chicken.

"Was your chicken satisfactory, Sir?" I asked.

"Yes, it was okay but not as good as the last time!"

Oh snap!

Now most would say that I had gotten away with the lie.

I know He knew I had lied so I told Master the truth. 

Master just nodded. He knew I had lied. Then He told me to go do the dishes.

This is not me, nor is it Him, however this is what transpired while doing the dishes.


3 years ago. March 4, 2021 at 5:07 PM



Currently on vacation. 

The breeze is cool,

The sun is warm.

If I could save time in a bottle.

I would bottle this day with you

and save it forever.

3 years ago. February 28, 2021 at 12:17 AM






It was hard to pick. Music moves my soul!

3 years ago. February 22, 2021 at 6:20 PM






This little guy made me smile today!



3 years ago. February 19, 2021 at 10:39 PM


Foxes In Mythology

In many cultures, the fox appears in folklore as a symbol of cunning and trickery, or as a familiar animal possessed of magic powers.

In Finnish mythology, the fox is depicted usually a cunning trickster, but seldom evil. The fox, while weaker, in the end outsmarts both the evil and voracious wolf and the strong but not-so-cunning bear. It symbolizes the victory of intelligence over both malevolence and brute strength.

In Celtic mythology, the fox is wise and cunning. A trickster who knows the forest better than anyone else, the fox symbolizes the need to think fast and strategically. Highly adaptable creatures, they also symbolize the need to adjust to new situations.

Fox animal symbolism takes a turn of intelligence in the Celtic realm, as the Celts believed the fox to be a guide, and was honored for its wisdom. The Celts understood the fox knows the woods intimately, and they would rely upon the fox as their guide in the spirit world.

In Chinese, Japanese, and Korean folklores, foxes (huli jing in China, kitsune in Japan, and kumiho in Korea) are powerful spirits that are known for their highly mischievous and cunning nature, and they often take on the form of female humans to seduce men.

3 years ago. February 18, 2021 at 4:47 PM


The snow is deep
The temperature's low
MEAN is where you want to go

She opens the door
Glitter follows in
Its Little Miss Sunshine
with that adorable grin

You growl at that bright shining light
Mean is your feeling, it feels just right.

You grab her, then pin her in the chair
She smiles and kisses you without a care

"BE MEAN I tell you!" you growl again.
"Or I will punish you with a spanking on your sweet rear-end!

She frowns, then giggles,
She tries hard to obey
But mean may not be in her DNA

She kisses you and kisses you
Then whispers in your ear
"If by MEAN that means I can Spank you then, I'm all in!"

You growl again
She knows you to well
Then sigh feeling comforted
Letting the mean go

Little Miss Sunshine wiggles away,
"Breakfast will be ready, we can play later today!"