The power of true empathy is its ability to give us a fresh understanding of the other person's emotions and thoughts to illuminate an aspect of their experience that would not have been apparent to us had we not stepped into their shoes.
When is it a good time to practice Empathy?
1. Whenever we seek to understand someone better.
2. When we find ourselves arguing unproductively with a spouse or a significant other.
3. When we have trouble connecting emotionally to the plight of a loved one.
4. When we want to calm our tempers and manage our emotions.
5. When figuring out how best to complain effectively.
Empathy comes more naturally to some than it does to others. However, by taking time to truly paint a picture of what it is like for the other person and imagine ourselves in their place, we will gain valuable insights and forge deeper connections to those around us.
Copied from Psychology Today