I was told my time for punishment had arrived. The reason I was to be punished was for causing my Master undo stress from being distraught because of my own forgetfulness.
Master went out of his way to calm my distress and was met with more frustration because I forgot that I had what he needed in my pocket to complete the task.
He reminded me though out the day that I over reacted again and that I must slow down and think things through to avoid such mistakes. He also reinforced that I would receive a much needed reminder by way of a punishment. But I was not told what that punishment was going to be. Usually I am well spanked until my bottom is red and welted.
I was in torment most of the day with the anticipation and needed to calm down many times with deep breathing and some meditation music that I listen to on YouTube.
I was told late in the evening to go prepare for my punishment and I quickly went to the bath so Master saw I took him seriously and when I returned I was alone. Where had Master gone?
I decided that the best thing to do was to lay across the bed with my bottom raised and wait which is what I did. It seemed like forever and because it was late I must have dosed off.
I was awakened by a blindfold being placed over my eyes and this confused me because I was imagining just a good whipping but Master had other plans.
Then my hands were bound together above my head with instructions not to move them, I obeyed.
I felt hot oil being dripped over my back and bottom, the warmth causing my nipples to harden and a tingle in my most private parts. My senses were ignited.
I thought, this was not punishment at all but pure bliss. Master started to massage in the oil and made sure to include going between my legs to my tender pussy and the forbidden hole.
Then I felt Master at my ear and he whispered, "I saw your torment through the day and love to watch you suffer the anticipation of your punishment. I receive great pleasure from your suffering not from pain alone but from your need to please me. I know you have learned your lesson and have decided that you have suffered enough so I am going to take you now without a spanking!"