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Erotic Dreams & Horny Poetry

There will be 2 types of entries: 1 is of actual dreams I have had that I write down as soon as I wake up, and the 2nd is poetry of my imagination when I'm sexually frustratated and daydream on what I'm craving.

Both are inspired by either previous Doms or relations that I have had. Most of the dreams are from my actual previous Doms and I tell them about the dream. With their permission, out of respect, I publish it but of course change their name.

Hope you enjoy my inner thoughts and subconscious mind.
2 years ago. December 16, 2021 at 4:55 AM

This poem is less horny and more sweet.




Constantly checking my phone

to see if your name has popped up.


Constantly checking because I know

I am never to leave you waiting on me.


Constantly checking for the blue checkmark

that tells me you have viewed the task I have filmed and sent to you.


Constantly checking for your approval,

your pride,

your admiration.


Constantly thinking of you, Daddy

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