Something I wish to personally experience... A man empathetic to where women are in their cycles.
Maybe this is a short coming of my surroundings. It definitely could be that it's too outside men's realm of their understanding. After all, they aren't force to bleed once a month.
I want to add that I know the hormonal fluctuations and emotional rollercoasters are definitely tiresome and annoying. Putting up with what can sometimes seem like two different women every single month, must be exhausting. I can't imagine how stressful it is to wonder when the flood gates will open and unleash the less pretty aside of your wife/significant other/friend.
That being said:
I'd like to be cuddled when I'm emotional. Comforted when I'm feeling depressed, for no reason other than, hormones. It would be so nice to be reassured that I'm okay, normal even, and supported. Sometimes, it's nice to cry/vent/rage for no other reason than you literally can't help it in a safe and loving environment.
(This has been my rant)
*Time for some salty fries and chocolate*