3 years ago. May 12, 2021 at 11:56 AM
Our secret color.
Dusk dark over a pending storm.
if the world sees, a whirlwind fed by sugary outrage
will try to rip you away from me.
It sees a belt. wild eyes. madness.
Where you see a safe harbor.
Nothing is bland in our nettled nest.
Our Love is tender.
Our Love is tenderized
with rough hands, whistling tails,
thick leather.
Spiced with tears,
marbled with release.
ambience all muted lighting and low bass
felt in flesh.
They are out there, and can never share our feast.
The world does not partake in the presentation
anticipation or nibbled gorging of our meal.
It sees only unwashed dishes and clutter.
it can't see our special color.