Good morning my fellow deviants. What shall we talk about Today, little Jackie paper and tough the magic dragon? Belly-button lint? Who really takes Nightquil and tries to operate heavy machinery ?I think today instead we'll talk about comfort Levels. We all have different comfort levels in anything we do nobody starts out as an expert but as a dumb a lot of times we put our own comfort bubbles on the whole to try and fake the funk instead of taking a step back every sub is Different and unique. And remember while you're trying to get a read for the submissive she's trying to get a read for you and if you bully straight into the situation in a lot of cases she's not going to completely open up to you and tell you her likes and wants. A lot of times you have to open up and ask questions it doesn't make you weak it makes you informed at allows her to express herself tell you what she's really into and once that's out on the table you can use that to your advantage. If you don't understand something she's talking about ask you'll learn something and she will feel like she's communicating with you.Also another big sticking point if you're new to the lifestyle or new to any situation take time to understand it. If you going like you know everything about every time the sub is going to notice she may not say something to you but she will notice. A lot of Dom's and submissive the like have got themselves really bad names by pretending like they know something when they don't then we're gets around always remember take time to understand what's going on asked questions learn we're all human. We're all here to have fun and makes up make our lives a little brighter each day. We now return you to your regularly scheduled madness
7 years ago. August 11, 2017 at 2:26 PM