It pleased me to observe your smiling obedience to my requests. You also pleased me at your comfortable, but ladylike, permission to confirm your obedience with subtle touches and hugs upon our first few minutes. I detected no restraint. Thank you.
Now, as I walked you to my car, I enjoyed, as I believe you did, my hand firmly and openly on your full, round ass. I look forward to an increased appreciation of your obvious and hidden assets.
How did you enjoy my hands lightly on your breasts, pinching your nipples subtly through your dress in the mall? Did you see anyone watching us?
I think you crave some of this exhibitionism. We will explore this further, if you are agreeable.
I was also pleased with your relaxed manual introduction to my dominant tool as we chatted on the restaurant. You aroused me well, my dear.
Velvet, I am even more convinced we can build a mutually exciting and stimulating duo.
I will send a plan for our second adventure tomorrow.
Rest up, my girl. I think we are about to embark on a dream ride.
Until next time,
Steve Mansure
6 years ago. January 30, 2018 at 9:55 AM