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Here goes....

2 years ago. November 25, 2021 at 10:44 AM

Sometimes it feels like the art of conversation is dead.  Its a true reflection of what a person is pursuing, by the way they strike up a conversation with you.  

My inbox has at times been full of one word messages "hello" "Hi!" "Horny?" which, interestingly all seem to start with an 'H'.  Curious! Its not much of a start or an eyebrow raiser. 

Its true I am a rather complex person with intelligence, a sense of humour, a dirty mind, and a plethora of anecdotes.  Yet I find myself lacking in good conversation with anyone at the moment.  I've tried starting with an introduction, I've tried jokes, questions about random things but nobody seems to bite.

I visit the chat room, which is even more silent than my inbox! It is the most curious thing, a silent chat room. 

How do you all do it?

Feel free to start a conversation with me, about anything at all. Please? 

I mean, what is the worst that could happen?





Jack in the box -
A silent chat room really is a creepy thing, isnt it Ms Naya?
And so, I shall ask ~ How are you feeling today? Apart from apart . . .
2 years ago
Ingénue{VK} - Ereereererrrrrrrrrrm.

The worst.

Let me know when you find out.
2 years ago
Naya - You will be the first to know!

My money is on 'not a fucking thing!'
2 years ago
Naya - Jack,
Thank you so much for asking. I'm feeling thoughtful today, not so much in a doing way. I'm sitting here writing and reading because it's more fun than washing dishes or picking up vast clumps of dog hair, which unfortunately seems to be a regular problem around here.

A silent chat room seems to be such a contradiction, unless of course the conversation is inappropriate. In that situation, silence is golden!

2 years ago
Jack in the box - I once had a dog that shed the equivalence of itself every day - amazing really, lol.
Thoughtful is good. ☺
Personally, I despise doing dishes - I once threw an entire box full of dirty dishes away rather than wash them - but I digress.
May I ask, what is it you are writing?
Or do you mean on here?
2 years ago
Naya - I'm writing a load of stuff down that I've been thinking and overthinking for quite some time in an attempt to locate my actual mind. Its a kind of memoir slash observational narrative on life as I see it.

Quite a lot has happened in the last 49 years and it seemed like a good idea after a bottle of Rioja and some cashew nuts.

I have 2 dogs, both black, therefore everything I own has a gossamer coating of 'hair of the dog!'

I must say, how decadent to just throw away admiration for your decisiveness knows no bounds :)
2 years ago
Jack in the box - A flare with the pen, you certainly do have Ms Naya. ☺
"Life as I see it" - good book title.
Life, as I have seen it is . . .
A hard slap in the face and the best orgasm ever.

But dont you find cashews a bit tedious?
2 years ago
Naya - Not tedious, I buy them honey roasted so somebody else does all the hard work.

I have 2 titles so far:
Saving my day at a time
A load of old rubbish with a giggle here and there.
2 years ago
Jack in the box -
My vote would be the former 👍
I once did the exercise of just writing whatever comes to mind - after several pages I stopped and realized something . . . .
Im really fucked up! Lol
I dont recall if you said, what kind of dogs do you have?
(I kinda like having a private conversation publically 😏)
2 years ago
Naya - (Is that because you have a secret exhibitionist fantasy?)

I have a Labrador and a Dickhead...oops I mean cocker spaniel.

Listen my friend, fucked up is the new normal! Trust me! Its also strangely normal to 'have fucked up'. Who knew?

Is it too early for wine?
2 years ago
Jack in the box -
I literally laughed outloud.
"A dickhead" 😁

My first choice, should I - would be a wolf - not realistic, I know. He would not be "my pet", he would be my friend. Ive had siberian huskys and german shepards - both good dogs unto their own.
Currently, no pets.

Its 5 o'clock somewhere. 🍻
What is the most you have ever spent on a bottle of wine?
2 years ago
Naya - I made tea instead, no point peaking too early!

Wolves are indeed unrealistic pets but I believe they make great companions. Kevin Costner certainly showed that in his epic....Dirty Dances With Wolves. When I went to see it I was so confused because nobody told me there was no actual dancing in that movie.

Most expensive bottle of wine...£80 ish. I've bought Champagne for more than that though. That's in the days when I was rich and successful LMFAO! These days its a £6 bottle of Australian something or other, or a californian red. I chose the beggars...wait is that the wrong way round?
2 years ago
Jack in the box -
Sorry - I ghosted you, lol.

(Phone - Its a holiday here n all )
2 years ago
Naya - I’ll forgive you once you cheeky submariner!!
2 years ago
Maxorde{Not lookin} - What a true contradiction!! I’ve noticed the same thing. I’m always up for a good conversation with anyone about anything! I’m sure my dear girl will vouch for that. I love talking to people about… well… just stuff!
2 years ago
Naya - Me too! I can talk for England. Well, as long as the conversation is a good one.

I don’t believe we have met before, pleased to make your acquaintance 😊
2 years ago
Maxorde{Not lookin} - Thank you! It’s very nice to meet you as well. I can too!
2 years ago
Maxorde{Not lookin} - Please feel free to reach out if you care to!
2 years ago
Naya - Thank you, I jolly well will 😊
2 years ago
alawey​(sub female){(OWNED BY } - Hello , I tend to be a bit of hit or miss on here as any one who knows me will agree with. But that being said, I love a good chat , from the joking type to an thought provoking deep one. Feel free to hit me up anytime.

Ohhh and my 2 cent on " Wolves are indeed unrealistic pets"
I have a Pittie mixed with Timber Wolf ( mom was Pittie and dad was Wolf) my guardian, snuggle bug, but I will say the fur that she sheds is neverending.
2 years ago

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