I often tell people that I am "open minded".
I honestly feel that I'm not terribly judgmental, and willing to try new things, so it usually goes into my bios/profiles with little additional consideration.
There was a thread recently discussing things that people found attractive and important in potential partners. I read through it just to get a feel for trends and particular outliers of interest - I'm a fan of data 😉 It got me thinking that despite my stated position - which I said its mainly about if I 'click' with the person (I don't ask to see faces until after this happens), am I fooling myself? Do I merely subconsciously place limits or set objectives that my waking mind willfully fails to recognize?
Since then I have tried to live the spirit of my philosophy in more than words. Conversations I might have previously not entertained I have now allowed to pan out. Even though there have been the usual situations we all get here: time wasters, catfishes, and the like, its really had a positive impact on how I feel about my journey. I have met many more interesting people, always a plus, but its also allowing me to adjust my own behavior in how I interact with others. Now there are more possibilities, more opportunities to come across the right people. When you feel like you have this, it is a real panacea to self doubt.
I'm not trying to sell this to others, your journey is your own. I just thought it might be interesting to share how I am trying to observe the spirit of my own self-professed beliefs :)