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Embracing my chaotic thoughts and asking for opinions…..

Living, loving, writing, sharing, seeking. Embracing the moments and the thoughts that come when living in them
9 months ago. November 19, 2023 at 1:51 PM

Good morning 🌞. 

I awakened to the bright sun streaming through the window into my chilly bedroom.  Michigan in November is moody.  The house isn’t quite awake yet and the heat from my electric blanket makes me want to stay cocooned in my bed.  I roll the last 10ish months through my mind and wonder if what I am seeking really is a fairy tale.  Then I tell myself to get up and soldier on, figure things out, take care of the business of life.


But today I don’t wanna.  I don’t want to deal with chores, plans, finances.  I don’t want to clean my room, help with the house, or do the laundry.  I just don’t wanna….very brat thing to say I know.  Perhaps I will overcome or perhaps I will just curl up and get lost in the happy ever after of a good romance novel.  

Anyone else ever face days like this?

MCCheer​(sub female) - Yes. Yes and yes! I'm hoping to have one of those days on Thursday. I should have my house to myself.
9 months ago

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