What She's Started
By RalphieG
January 29, 2025
Really, there was no other person on the planet that I could admit this all too then my bestie and very gay, Sandseron Joe. I loved the guy like a brother, closest girlfriend, confidant what I had managed over the weekend was one of the very best naughty little gambits I had ever pulled off, if I did say so myself. So, as we sat slurping across one another at Ground on the Round, (‘slurping’ the perfect activity to be engaged in then for what I was relating) I sensed him wanting to bounce in the high-back chair across from me as much as I was trying not to slide down mine in the retelling.
“Jr., Fred, Cady and Mike, you said?”
“Out of them all, I definitely have a thing for Mike…is he?”
“Very nice, thicker than average actually. Very nice. And oh so yummy.”
“Oh my God!” my blonde-haired buddy said suppressing what I knew would be a full-on bubbling twitter if he allowed it.
Other than dressing better than any lanky blonde guy with a high little ass should, Sanderson didn’t wear his sexuality any more or less than anyone else, gay, straight, or otherwise. But if you got him going, as I knew I was right then, he could get a little bouncy.
“Well, Jr. is grandfathered in. What, I know him like twenty years by now?”
“Yes, well…and a cutie, for sure. But Fred and Cady, how did you manage…”
“Close friends talk, I was open to it, I mean not in any kind of sword hockey of course.”
“Surely a girl has to have her standards.”
“Fucking A right.”
“But Mike, Mike, Mike Mike…”
“You need some alone time?”
“Sorry, just dreaming. I just thought he was so conservative, ya know. I mean you told him, right?”
“Had to, that was the promise I made to myself. No good trying this if they didn’t all know, cause them all know makes me…”
“Um, no shit. Makes me the same.”
We shared a good laugh over that one and each managed another sip and slurp.
“So, just this weekend, right?”
“Yes. Jr. his usual once-a-month Saturday morning booty call stop-over. But no booty this time.”
“Just suckee.”
“Yes. Fred was later that night, Cady even later, although as far as I can tell neither was going to tell the other until this week. I mean, an intro is one thing…”
“Having them both in your mouth all in the same day, quite another.”
“Fucking A right,” I repeated, reached across, and “pupped” my coffee cup to his.
“Then on God’s-day, the always elusive, now I know thicker-than-most, cocoa-skinned God Mike.”
“That’s not only ‘what she said,’ that's what you said…the entire weekend.”
I couldn’t help but laugh again.
“And they all not only agreed, but they all agreed if you know what I mean.”
“So, you got these full-balled dudes, walking out of your condo, cocks slick and wet from your spit, wrangling their erections into their boxers, each one knowing you not only were going to take four dicks in your mouth in two days, but you’d leave them all aching.”
I lean in to say, “You repeating it like that makes my clit burn.”
“I love that country band, clit burn.”
Sips, smiles, sitting back for us both, I tried to settle as much as I saw Sanderson.
“So, it’s pretty much scouts honor, here, if they do or don’t or more specifically, if they tell you they do or don’t.”
“I don’t know many if any of them, were scouts.”
“Mmm, those uniforms.”
“Baby, stay focused.”
“Okay, Okay, you’re right, but then the big questions, as I see them…”
“Yes, Yes? I love questions.”
“Will they?”
“Until you see them again.”
“If I would even let them the next time.”
“Oh, girl!”
Ok, he was bouncing then.
“See, I couldn’t do this. I mean, for me, the fun is, ya know?”
“Yeah, normally I can gulp better than I am this latte, but part of the game this time is not letting them, or then promising and then seeing which lasts the longest.”
“If they all do, for quite a while, you’re gonna have you work cut out for you.”
“My lot in life, yes.”
“Oh my, oh my, oh my.”
I had never much thought about the fine art of denial. I guess maybe as much as any girlfriend I knew, I had teased a good many guys in my time, easy as that was to do certainly when me and the guys were in our late teens, and early twenties, slightly more difficult now in my thirties, with options for dating dwindling (despite my present quartet of cock) and guys not as quick on the draw, so not as easy to tease. But this new wrinkle I figured could keep me and the boys and seemingly Sanderson here going for a bit. He was right though, who among the four would not only agree not to come as the weeks went on but would be honest enough to tell me if they had? And if they all lasted, would I be able to take a round of dick sucking every weekend for God knows how long and even if they held out from jerking off during the week or coming with some other girl, would seeks of denial eventually see each just spill in their condom as I came to suck them off further?
What had I started here? And why was I so damn turned on about it that I actually rubbed just a smidgen forward, took my last long sip and even under he watchful eye of my bestie, I came.
“Jr., Fred, Cady and Mike, you said?”
“Out of them all, I definitely have a thing for Mike…is he?”
“Very nice, thicker than average actually. Very nice. And oh so yummy.”
“Oh my God!” my blonde-haired buddy said suppressing what I knew would be a full-on bubbling twitter if he allowed it.
Other than dressing better than any lanky blonde guy with a high little ass should, Sanderson didn’t wear his sexuality any more or less than anyone else, gay, straight, or otherwise. But if you got him going, as I knew I was right then, he could get a little bouncy.
“Well, Jr. is grandfathered in. What, I know him like twenty years by now?”
“Yes, well…and a cutie, for sure. But Fred and Cady, how did you manage…”
“Close friends talk, I was open to it, I mean not in any kind of sword hockey of course.”
“Surely a girl has to have her standards.”
“Fucking A right.”
“But Mike, Mike, Mike Mike…”
“You need some alone time?”
“Sorry, just dreaming. I just thought he was so conservative, ya know. I mean you told him, right?”
“Had to, that was the promise I made to myself. No good trying this if they didn’t all know, cause them all know makes me…”
“Um, no shit. Makes me the same.”
We shared a good laugh over that one and each managed another sip and slurp.
“So, just this weekend, right?”
“Yes. Jr. his usual once-a-month Saturday morning booty call stop-over. But no booty this time.”
“Just suckee.”
“Yes. Fred was later that night, Cady even later, although as far as I can tell neither was going to tell the other until this week. I mean, an intro is one thing…”
“Having them both in your mouth all in the same day, quite another.”
“Fucking A right,” I repeated, reached across, and “pupped” my coffee cup to his.
“Then on God’s-day, the always elusive, now I know thicker-than-most, cocoa-skinned God Mike.”
“That’s not only ‘what she said,’ that's what you said…the entire weekend.”
I couldn’t help but laugh again.
“And they all not only agreed, but they all agreed if you know what I mean.”
“So, you got these full-balled dudes, walking out of your condo, cocks slick and wet from your spit, wrangling their erections into their boxers, each one knowing you not only were going to take four dicks in your mouth in two days, but you’d leave them all aching.”
I lean in to say, “You repeating it like that makes my clit burn.”
“I love that country band, clit burn.”
Sips, smiles, sitting back for us both, I tried to settle as much as I saw Sanderson.
“So, it’s pretty much scouts honor, here, if they do or don’t or more specifically, if they tell you they do or don’t.”
“I don’t know many if any of them, were scouts.”
“Mmm, those uniforms.”
“Baby, stay focused.”
“Okay, Okay, you’re right, but then the big questions, as I see them…”
“Yes, Yes? I love questions.”
“Will they?”
“Until you see them again.”
“If I would even let them the next time.”
“Oh, girl!”
Ok, he was bouncing then.
“See, I couldn’t do this. I mean, for me, the fun is, ya know?”
“Yeah, normally I can gulp better than I am this latte, but part of the game this time is not letting them, or then promising and then seeing which lasts the longest.”
“If they all do, for quite a while, you’re gonna have you work cut out for you.”
“My lot in life, yes.”
“Oh my, oh my, oh my.”
I had never much thought about the fine art of denial. I guess maybe as much as any girlfriend I knew, I had teased a good many guys in my time, easy as that was to do certainly when me and the guys were in our late teens, and early twenties, slightly more difficult now in my thirties, with options for dating dwindling (despite my present quartet of cock) and guys not as quick on the draw, so not as easy to tease. But this new wrinkle I figured could keep me and the boys and seemingly Sanderson here going for a bit. He was right though, who among the four would not only agree not to come as the weeks went on but would be honest enough to tell me if they had? And if they all lasted, would I be able to take a round of dick sucking every weekend for God knows how long and even if they held out from jerking off during the week or coming with some other girl, would seeks of denial eventually see each just spill in their condom as I came to suck them off further?
What had I started here? And why was I so damn turned on about it that I actually rubbed just a smidgen forward, took my last long sip and even under he watchful eye of my bestie, I came.