dollMaker(dom male)
5 years ago •
Feb 13, 2019
5 years ago •
Feb 13, 2019
That is a very complex question to try and answer, though I would say that 'the lifestyle' can be whatever you want or need it to be. You can take whatever elements you like from whatever aspects and apply, blend them to create your own unique 'lifestyle.'
There will be those who will tell you that you must do things their favoured way, that that is the only way to do things. These gatekeepers unfortunately often lack the understanding or an open enough mind to realise that what works for them, will not for others, though there might be some aspects of their 'way' that might be useful.
What I can say easily is that the sub is always, no matter what able to say no, withdraw their consent and stop, pause or walk away from the activity. The foundation upon which the 'lifestyle' is based, must be based, should always be based is freely given, enthusiastic, informed consent, and consent that can be reversed, at any time.
I would urge you and your husband to spend a period of time learning about the various aspects, history, and culture of the 'lifestyle' first before doing anything. That will give you a better appreciation for, and foundation to select the aspects, elements that might work for you both. Dont rush into anything. Many, even very simple activities carry great risk of physical, emotional hurt, damage. BDSM can be very dangerous, so safety first always.
Books I would recommend as a good resource are: Screw the Roses send Me the Thorns, The Loving Dominant, The New Topping Book, The New Bottoming Book. BDSM 101 is also a useful book. There are lots of books out there, these are good ones to start with, and from these you can explore others.
You Tube channels of worth Evie Lupine, submissives Guide, Morgan Thorne, Master Arcane/Crow Academy. There are others but I think these are among the best that I currently know of, with consistently well presented sound information, though Evie Lupine recently said faking it till you make it, was ok. I dont think that is sound advice.
Useful websites the submssives guide, The Crow academy, The dominants guide.
My advice with the 'lifestyle' is crawl before you walk, walk before you run, take your time and learn first. Once you have an idea of wbat interests you, activity, dynamic type then you both could consider taking classes together, attending workshops, maybe go to conventions. If it isnt an issue for your private lives, work etc then getting involved in your local communities would be an option, but you dont have to do that. Often there are open days, evenings, 101 introduction nights at local dungeons, clubs you can go to, and those are worth attending. If the social side also is of interest then attending casual vanilla setting get togethers are an option, these can involve sharing a meal and are called Munches. Most communities have social non play typed activities as well as play based ones.
Finally welcome, and I wish you both the very best on your journey together, and it should be a mutual journey and you should both learn together and both be proactive in that learning.