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Slave trade

Red_skull1210​(switch male)
6 years ago • Jun 28, 2017

Slave trade

This was just something that had been brought up in the chat room and I was interested to see more feedback from everyone else. For those who don't know a slave trade is all based online. It is where you can join as a master with a beginning balance of "credits" and buy a slave. Or you can start as a slave and be purchased by a master. There would be many factors to determine pricing and how this would work but as a general idea was just looking for feedback. So anyway I had thought such a "slave trade" would be an interesting addition to site for anyone interested and just wanted to see if anyone else thought this was a good idea. Please please give feedback if like and how you think it would work.
6 years ago • Jun 28, 2017
Villanelle​(staff) • Jun 28, 2017
I've not heard of this before. Is it a big thing? And how does the 'slave' serve? Does it use real money?
6 years ago • Jun 28, 2017
Villanelle​(staff) • Jun 28, 2017
An aside, I know more than one person who won't use the term slave in bdsm play because human trafficking is very much a big problem today. How do you feel about it everyone?
Red_skull1210​(switch male)
6 years ago • Jun 29, 2017
I have seen this run in some forums before. To answer your questions it is not that big of a thing just small fun in forums like I said. All interaction is based online master controls "slaves" sexual acts while they are owned. No real money. And the term slave is used because of the difference between a slave and a sub. A slave has less control compared to a sub with a slaves main focus to serve their master. The term in no way is meant to reflect real human trafficking. And there are many who prefer the term slave over sub to show that they have less control in relationship compared to a sub. Thx for feedback tho Evangeline.
    The most loved post in topic
6 years ago • Jun 29, 2017
Stranger • Jun 29, 2017 idea....but yes human trafficking is a serious problem .....maybe slaves should have to take tests? To see if they are being forced?
6 years ago • Jun 29, 2017
DrWakko • Jun 29, 2017
I have heard of slave trading in the form of "wife swapping". I also know that a lot of play spaces will host Dom or sub auctions where Doms and or subs put up a scene and everyone else votes / bids on the scene they want.
Mike sub
6 years ago • Dec 25, 2017
Mike sub • Dec 25, 2017
I think it could be a wonder thing to try it out
I'd like to try to participate in a trade as a slave
Maybe it woukd make it easier locating waster to take me
Miki​(masochist female)
6 years ago • Dec 25, 2017
Miki​(masochist female) • Dec 25, 2017
Sounds.. interesting. No real money involved so no more "dangerous" than a game of Monopoly.

With regard to the human trafficking issues, the usage of the word "slave" would be voluntary. All should bear in mind that while this is all online and using funny-money it's ostensibly harmless but sensitivities to vocabulary should be observed.

It would be interesting to see or read about how this all turns out. As "Online D/s" don't fly for me, this is the most I have to say on the idea.

[color=orange] EEEEK!! Speaking of word connotations, (though THE POST WAS written 5 months ago).. can the term "Wife Swapping" or you'll bring their wrath raining down upon us all! From what I understand it's now "properly" called "Partner Exchange".

Last edited by * on Mon Dec 25, 2017 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total
Dueces​(neither female)
6 years ago • Dec 25, 2017
Dueces​(neither female) • Dec 25, 2017
This has been going on for a number of years online.
I've yet to see one end up with a positive ending.
Only because of the type of people who end up joining, and the inability to monitor and control its behaviour.
And there almost always ends up being an aspect of human trafficking because its impossible to continue to review the progress off of the website.
Having had said this, i will not be giving you a 'do or don't do it' post, but a realistic whats meant to go on and what actually happens post - based on experience of seeing this happen.
Your decision to agree to integrate this, is then your own xD.

What's meant to happen:
A group of lovely, participants engage in a short/long term/ongoing consented agreement to maintain a fantasy.
They choose a role, either buyer, seller, or slave (which can also be submissives or other people interested in trying the fantasy), and either 'pretend' to make purchases, or they actually financially pay for purchases.
A seller will sell the slaves who want to be sold. They will communicate with all the buyers, they will set or organise a fair system of purchasing and monitor the incoming and outgoing's of purchases.
Slaves join with consent and are bought by people who want them, and if they agree, they go to their new buyers (for either a short period of time/session, or for a longer period of time, until the two (or one of the them) decide they do not want to continue with the dynamic.
Buyers will bid for a slave against other buyers and have rights to the slaves for their sessions.
The sessions, short or long term, and the ownership of the Buyer and slave dynamic is all within the safety of BDSM, its like a widescale fantasy, and everyone says yes, or no, and engages when and how they want within the site, or outside of the site.
Noone gets hurt, it follows SCC.
It can be compared to GOR aspects and fantasy, and again, the fantasy of GOR, is also consented.

What really happens:
People enter the auction from all walks of life and experience in BDSM, GOR and general kink.
Some of these people understand what abuse is, and others dont.
Some people understand what consent and fantasies mean, and others dont.
Some people understand what ownership means, and you guessed it, others dont.
You have people who take on the role of seller, who (through not necessarily a fault of their own) are incapable of monitoring the safety and success of the auction as they only see the public conversation and bidding at the auction.
Sellers (and site staff, as well as other people involved in the slave trade fantasy) cannot see the conversation, agreements, disagreements and external financial transactions and so forth, that goes on.
Slaves, some of which just want the fantasy and experience, whilst others want to quite literally sell themselves and their full selves to someone else, come in and wait to be taken. Some submissives and slaves with little knowledge of how BDSM actually works, get caught up in the idea that being a slave means complying with everything their buyer aka owner expects of them, and we delve into abusive relationships.
Buyers, some of which also just want the fantasy and experience, whilst others come in with the same lack of knowledge of how BDSM works and thinks buying someone, means they own them and they have no right to contribute or have a say to their owner.
Some Buyers take this ownership to the next level, delve into abuse, stalk their property, and/or turn this into a full blown, i need to contact the police IRL nightmare.
As time goes on, the people who wanted the fantasy in the first place, get over meeting the idiots and they leave, and there are fewer and fewer authentic buyers and slaves.
It becomes a bit of a sesspit and uncontrollable.

Not saying go for it, or dont go for it.
But i have seen these things brought into sites, and whatnot, and it almost never fails to end up negatively (not trying to be a debbie downer xD)
It's hard enough tracking and ensuring the safety of general BDSM, without the addition of a slave trade.

My suggestion, get a few close friends, or acquaintances who would be interested in partaking, and do it on a low key level away from the site.
This way, if shit goes sidewards (and hopefully it doesnt), the police arent knocking on the websites door to trace back all the communication and why the buyer in the first place, had the intial belief that his behaviour was covered under some electronic consented agreement via an online slave trade.
That conversation aint pretty, and it aint worth it for the sake of a fantasy.

Side note, GOR (when done consentingly or correctly - and im not a massive fan of GOR personally but hey, my kink isnt yours and thats okay etc etc) basically runs on a system of slave trading fantasy - check this out as an alternate as well but again, same as above, please be careful with GOR, the same mentality can happen there, and ive seen GOR horror stories IRL and online.

Make sure you know what you are doing, you trust who you are doing it with, and you absofuckinglutely do not get yourself into a position of inability to remove yourself, or remove consent.

Massive reply - tsunami wall of text - sorry not sorry.

Good luck.


Miki​(masochist female)
6 years ago • Dec 25, 2017
Miki​(masochist female) • Dec 25, 2017
After having read all that, even though this wouldn't work for me anyway, it sounds more like a pain in the ass than anything else.

Too much potential for abuse and disappointment.

Kinda like The Personals icon_wink.gif

My humble advice? Try it if it smokes your chimney-- but keep your expectations low!

I like the color contrast! Eye-Burner Special!

Tee Hee