NoOneofConsequence(dom male){Taken}
5 years ago •
Mar 26, 2019
5 years ago •
Mar 26, 2019
A tad bit over a year ago, I got into a discussion with a self-proclaimed "submissive people pleaser" about DD/lg.
Now, the thing is, I'd misspent some time, money, and energy in my college years thinking I wanted to be a Sex Therapist. (Until I figured out that me being a MFT/ST would be a lot like handing a three year old a flare gun. You aren't sure what will happen, but you do know it will make the papers.) So, I knew a tad more than the average schlub about the myriad forms of physical affection that were possible.
And... Well, I was definitely a D-type. Argueably, I might be considered a "service Top" by some since I tend to not be particularly fetished or kinked beyond oral and her pleasure (and what she needs to get there... with very few limits of my own). But, I found over time that my natural level was Master. And I tended to... eh... not push so much as lean a little further that way when acting with a submissive of whatever stripe. So, I knew a tad bit more about most of the iterations of BDSM and kinks and fetishes than the typical snot-nosed punk with a handful of lotion and an good internet connection.
However, I had a significant gap in my knowledge when it came to DD/lg. Primarily, I think, because of the "age-play" connotations inherent in the title, I'd just never had any interest in looking any deeper.
Well, this gal cracked up and pointed out that I am a Daddy Dom to the core!
So, I went looking, primarily to prove her wrong. And fuck me if she wasn't right! I was a DD, and had never realized it.
Hell, Love (my wife) had even CALLED me Daddy, which I'd always thought was meant ironically since she was 13 years older.
She slept with a teddy bear that I'd given her when I wasn't available (I was working overnights).
She always wanted to play. Games, people. Games. Card games. Board games. Computer games. (Although we did enough in bed to make even the most hardened satyr or nymph blink and think "Dude! There is such a thing as enough!"
I could continue, but the point was that this gal was right. I was one. Had been the entire time and had never realized it.
And, more, I'd been acting as a DD to this gal as well. Sitting on the phone and reading her to sleep, for example.
Some shit went on that isn't really worth going into. On several levels. But, the end result was that months later, she informed me that I wasn't her Daddy, wasn't her Dom, in fact wasn't any sort of Dom. Which was bullshit, in my opinion, as I damn sure had been acting as a Daddy Dom for nine fucking months! And she had been acting as my little!
But, eh. Whatever.
Any road, I got involved with a few other littles of various stripes. None of which panned out. The most recent telling me that she had never wanted me, that she just felt sorry for me. ***shrug***
The thing is, I am a Daddy Dom. I know I am. I know that I was to Love for two and a half decades. Maybe I just don't understand LDR and how to translate it there. Or maybe they were just the wrong little (or middle) for me.
The big thing that I would caution you about is that, yes you can read up on the subject and other people can offer you advice, but at the end of the day it is best to be true to yourself. If you are a Daddy, and I am a Daddy, that doesn't mean that we are exactly alike, any more than every little or middle is exactly alike. What works for one may very well not work for the other.
Act from your heart, from loving her, protecting her, guiding her, and always with her best interests in your head and heart. The rest will work itself out from there or not. But, at least she will have had the best of you.