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BBW (Big Beautiful Women) Submissives/Littles

BloodOnRoses​(sub female)
7 years ago • Aug 30, 2017

BBW (Big Beautiful Women) Submissives/Littles

BloodOnRoses​(sub female) • Aug 30, 2017
I honestly want to know if BBWs like myself are accepted into the lifestyle by others? I've been shamed before over my weight and appearance and I think that is a load of steaming crap! How dare anyone shame a woman (and men/trans women and men) Over how their bodies are in an already shamed kink set? I don't get it. What are you all's thoughts on the topic? Can a bigger woman be a sexy slave/sub and a cute little?
Wolf​(dom male)
7 years ago • Aug 30, 2017
Wolf​(dom male) • Aug 30, 2017
Yes you are welcome , nothing to be ashamed of at all.
7 years ago • Aug 30, 2017
Bunnie • Aug 30, 2017
This is an awesome community. You'll meet really lovely and supportive people here from all walks of life. Welcome. Bunnie
7 years ago • Aug 30, 2017
Villanelle​(staff) • Aug 30, 2017
Everyone is welcome! And trust me, the rest of us don't all look like super models and we're not all 20 years old either. Besides, attractiveness is subjective! Relax, enjoy yourself and know that you are very welcome here icon_smile.gif
FabSeverus​(dom male)
7 years ago • Aug 31, 2017
FabSeverus​(dom male) • Aug 31, 2017
there are a lots of bbw sub or mistress also. Body image is not our mind set. We are going deeper than that or further. Connection is the main purpose, then trust.
Have you been shamed here? or another kinkster site?
T slave​(sub female){Owned}
7 years ago • Sep 2, 2017
All skin tastes salty, all pussy taste sweet, mouths all have tongues to lick you and asses all get beat.
Hold your head up high and their words will pass you by, because those that truly love you and are worth your time will not treat you badly they will be so kind.
If you need a friend you can look me up.
Velvetdreams​(sub female)
7 years ago • Sep 2, 2017

Confidence and Self-Acceptance

Velvetdreams​(sub female) • Sep 2, 2017
Like with anything else, how we view ourselves affected ts how others see us. Some BBW are beautiful and active people, some aren't. Confidence is perhaps the single most sex appealing characteristic any one, male or female, can possess. I wrestle with this, and I'm sure many others do, too, but our worth is determined not by our appearance but simply by who we see ourself to be.?
Floss​(sub female)
7 years ago • Sep 5, 2017
Floss​(sub female) • Sep 5, 2017
I understand what you are saying and am glad to find a this site that accepts all sizes
7 years ago • Sep 5, 2017
DrWakko • Sep 5, 2017
I have been to many different communities and watched a lot of play. I've come to the conclusion that no one gives a shit. I've seen 500lbs women on a cross and next to them is a 100 lb female. I've seen guys run around a play space with dicks down to their knees and guys with "small" penises. I've seen 18 year old women compare corsets with 65 year old women.

There is only one thing that matters and thats: are you having a good time. If you are having a good time who cares what people think about you. Your worry is everyone elses worry. No one has the perfect body. So strut yours off and go have some fun.

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