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Blog Posting Rules Reminder

6 years ago • Sep 8, 2017

Blog Posting Rules Reminder

Villanelle​(staff) • Sep 8, 2017
The staff team at The Cage are thrilled to see the blog areas so active! We've really enjoyed reading about your thoughts and experiences, including the heavy stuff. We want to remind everyone that although you are welcome to express yourself as you like, we do not allow other users to be mentioned by name. I am listing our blog posting rules below as a reminder. If you do violate the rules you will receive a warning and have the post removed. If you see your name mentioned without your permission in a post, feel free to report it.


Blog posting rules
It is not allowed to mention individuals by name, including people's nicknames or details that hint to someone's identity UNLESS:

you have explicit permission from the individual in question.
you can safely assume that the person mentioned would consent.
If anyone asks to have their name removed from your blog you must respect the request and remove them immediately.

It is not allowed to publish anything that promotes discrimination of any kind, racism, or violence.

It is not allowed to publish copyrighted materials without explicit permission from the copyright's owners. This includes but is not limited to quoting stories, poems, fantasies, photos or anything created by others.

Failing to adhere to these rules may result in your blog being suspended or in extreme cases, having your account terminated.