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So How Did You Find THE CAGE?

7 years ago • Mar 23, 2017
KnotchoLibre • Mar 23, 2017
It might be a problem for many who use both this and FL to keep up with all the developments but with this having a phone app tells me this will become the defacto place to be.
Now, if only they could house everything in a more secure country...
Peachy​(sub female)
7 years ago • Apr 15, 2017
Peachy​(sub female) • Apr 15, 2017
I was doing a search in something I don't even remember when I got to the bottom of the page, I saw the website. Me being curious and intrigued I thought why not, so here I am.
6 years ago • Dec 9, 2017
Pictdragon • Dec 9, 2017
Heard about it on a podcast. Do not remember which, maybe Fetcast???
s zilla
6 years ago • Dec 11, 2017
s zilla • Dec 11, 2017
I got here through a comment in a post on Fetlife.
So far enjoying the experience.
Miki​(masochist female)
6 years ago • Dec 11, 2017
Miki​(masochist female) • Dec 11, 2017
Quite by accident! I was looking on Google for a synopsis of the Star Trek original pilot "The Cage" and at the top of the page was this place, described as a "kink-friendly social website" or something along those lines, and I totally had to check it out.
and here I am. Now in here 12 days and finally at the point where the Doms have stopped bombing my mailbox.
Shade1​(dom male){bad puns}
6 years ago • Dec 11, 2017
I'm almost ashamed to admit - and hopefully this will give you a little bit of a laugh,


I did a google search

"How to get a submissive"

And this site came right up. I don't regret clicking here for a second.