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The Art of Seduction

4 years ago • May 7, 2020

The Art of Seduction

Bunnie • May 7, 2020
As someone who is a complete nerd and can trip over air... I missed learning the concept or fundamentals of how to be seductive or sexy, so... I am here to seek advice please...

Can you share any tips on how to do a strip tease? Or even to simply learn to move more sexily?

What do you think about while you’re dancing?
Do you practice in front of a mirror? Or does it not matter what it looks like? Is it more just about the intent?

Any music suggestions?

Thank you in advance icon_smile.gif
4 years ago • May 7, 2020
luckygirl • May 7, 2020
Practice in front of a mirror with the mindset that you are seducing yourself. It is to me one of the most empowering confidence boosters that you can do for you! Women do not strip tease to get a man to have sex with us, he would do that naturally anyways given permission and the chance. Women should do strip tease as a way of showcasing confidence and that we value ourselves and our bodies. It is also a tool used in foreplay that peaks a man's interest and commands complete focus and admiration. I am very different and my music choice would be Marilyn Manson If I Was Your Vampire, but I am into that sort of choose songs that you like try them out and see which ones gets you wetter.
4 years ago • May 7, 2020
ThirtyFourPointFive • May 7, 2020
Watch Kim Basinger do her strip tease for Mickey Rourke in "9 1/2 Weeks". It doesn't get much better than that...
4 years ago • May 7, 2020
Bunnie • May 7, 2020
@ luckygirl,
thank you for your great advice!

@ Delly,
I love that movie icon_biggrin.gif

@ tangledupinyou,
I will, thank you icon_biggrin.gif

I liked the one in DeathProof!
Morrighan​(sub female)
4 years ago • May 7, 2020
Morrighan​(sub female) • May 7, 2020
@ Bunnie,

Back at University, I had a friend who we all called the pulling machine. She was the epitome of seduction. One night as we all gathered for pre-drinks I asked what her secret was. I mean, she was a pretty girl but so are many others and she pulled every time! She gave me the following 10 tips and I have always sworn by them since.

1) maintain eye contact.
2) tilt your chin down and look up at them.
3) bite your lip when you look at them.
4) stare at their lips often.
5) brush up against them subtly.
6) get close enough for them to smell you.
7) smile slowly whilst holding their gaze.
icon_cool.gif lower your tone when you say their name.
9) have confidence.
10) use slow movements.

They are simple, subtle and work every time. As for the strip tease. I’d try to refrain from practising in the mirror because I don’t think it helps with confidence. I think being in the moment and focusing on the eyes of the person you are seducing will have more effect. Just keep your movements slow.
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House Talion​(dom male)
4 years ago • May 7, 2020
House Talion​(dom male) • May 7, 2020
You should close your eyes and just move with the music. When you can feel your body, then you watch yourself in the mirror
4 years ago • May 8, 2020
Nemesis • May 8, 2020
Music that comes to mind are Rihanna "pour it up", TLC "red light special", Ciara "body party" I love the beat to Burno Mars " it will rain" kinda a sad song, but the bass is great! Search strip tease songs, I'm sure you'll find a list!!
tallslenderguy​(other male)
4 years ago • May 8, 2020
The subject title of this thread keeps me coming back to it. i have so many things come to mind, questions, feelings, thoughts. They may not be cohesive, but i just want to lay them all out there, wondering what thoughts and feelings they may evoke?

1. The stereotypical guy thinks about sex all the time, so what's the point of "seduction?" (i may should have made this two separate thoughts?)
2. i'm gay and my "stereotypical" sex drive has me wanting a Guy and His semen in me, is it the same for a woman? Is that a woman's reason for seduction?
3. As a gay bottom, i want a Guys lust, His natural need to penetrate and seed, i do not see a reason for seduction, just identifying that desire and need and being available.
4. There is a sort of "seduction" i identify in a D/s dynamic where it is the Dom or Top who is doing the "seducing." A Dom who needs/wants control and has developed and employs His mind in the pursuit of HIs need/desire. i am very vulnerable to Dom's/Tops who have an affectionate 'grooming' way about them to collar me. That seems like a form of seduction to me, and it seems to me that seduction is a form of control... a Dom attribute?
4 years ago • May 8, 2020
Bunnie • May 8, 2020
@ tallslenderguy,

I actually share a lot of similar thoughts to you around this, so I’m glad you shared, thank you. I don’t particularly understand the point of seduction either to be honest lol. I think that’s perhaps mostly why I’ve never payed it much attention. There is also a part of me that cringes at the possibility it could be using my sexuality as a form of manipulation.

I think, however that perhaps because of this I may have gone to the other extreme of simply shutting down any possibility of people having the opportunity to view me as potentially sexy.

However... alas the Master I am speaking with has shared his enthusiasm for sexual suggestiveness in his girls, so I figured I’d do some digging and see if it’s something that can be learned or if perhaps it’s simply beyond me, being the way I am.
I think that perhaps the fact I’m trying to intellectualise it takes away from the very essence of it lol... but one has to start somewhere icon_biggrin.gif