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Draiocht​(dom male)
4 years ago • May 20, 2020
Draiocht​(dom male) • May 20, 2020
I've been playing Witcher 3 since last summer. It goes on forever and is the best open world game I have every played. And... it has a lot of subtle, and not so subtle, kink undertones! I will pop in Borderlands when I have the need to take out my frustrations and blast something to pieces with giant guns though, lol.

And I still enjoy playing Minecraft with my young niece. We had a lot of great bonding through that game, which I will always cherish.
Dellydoodah​(neither female)
4 years ago • May 20, 2020
I play a very old innocuous thing called puzzle pirates. It's not sophisticated but the people that play have played for years together, Ive played for10 yrs off and on..more on
Amma Captain pirate.. argggh!
GohanFromVal​(dom male)
4 years ago • May 20, 2020
GohanFromVal​(dom male) • May 20, 2020
I play Rainbow Six: Siege competitively on pc, trying to make a career out of it so I have to play it everyday. Sometimes I play other games too thought but they’re usually FPS since that’s just what I’m good at lol.
darlingnikki​(sub female){Taken}
4 years ago • May 20, 2020
I am a big gamer as well! My Mr plays on PC and I am more of a console gamer.

XBOX - Right now I am just playing COD, trying to get all those gold guns. lol I do love RPG and adventure games as well.

PS4 - Is my main one for all the huge games, The Last of Us, God of War, Tomb Raider, Horizon Zero Dawn. We sold it, but now that the Last of Us pt 2 is coming out I am hoping I can convince MR to let us buy it.

Nintendo Switch - I've played Zelda Breath of the Wild, typical Mario games and what not
darlingnikki​(sub female){Taken}
4 years ago • May 20, 2020
Draiocht wrote:
I've been playing Witcher 3 since last summer. It goes on forever and is the best open world game I have every played. And... it has a lot of subtle, and not so subtle, kink undertones! I will pop in Borderlands when I have the need to take out my frustrations and blast something to pieces with giant guns though, lol.

And I still enjoy playing Minecraft with my young niece. We had a lot of great bonding through that game, which I will always cherish.

The Witcher 3 is one of my all time favorite games! I finished the main story and am doing the DLC's.
Zigur​(dom male)
4 years ago • May 20, 2020
Zigur​(dom male) • May 20, 2020
Fallout 4 was my game during long time. Complete the main story with the destruction of "the institute", making of all shettlers, comerce routes, etc and some of the DLCs, like Far Harbour

Now playing most like Snowrunner and HouseFlipper when I need some relax time from my photo business project

Being a computer programer years ago so I allways want to be near good ideas

I like adventure games and indie too when they have good ideas to show

Last one was FarLone Sails one of the "good ones"
Draiocht​(dom male)
4 years ago • May 20, 2020
Draiocht​(dom male) • May 20, 2020
darlingnikki wrote:
The Witcher 3 is one of my all time favorite games! I finished the main story and am doing the DLC's.

The Blood & Wine expansion pack could be an entire game in itself. Even the title sounds kinky. Toussaint is enchanting! I cheated and started it before finishing the main story, lol. Also, can't wait for season 2 of The Witcher tv series.
TheDankLord​(switch male)
4 years ago • May 20, 2020
TheDankLord​(switch male) • May 20, 2020
I play mainly on PC. There's a lot of games I like but the ones I've played the most and/or most recently are Battlefield 4, the Halo Master Chief Collection, DCS World, World of Warships, Armored Warfare, Halo Wars 2 and occasionally Arma III as well. I recently took advantage of the limited time deal where GTA V is free, though I have yet to play it as I just got it.
4 years ago • Jun 19, 2020
Agirl • Jun 19, 2020
Playe game of thrones conquest which actually lead me to explore my submissive side