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Profile visible to members only?

Al Le Gory​(sadist female)
6 years ago • Jan 2, 2018

Profile visible to members only?

There's no option currently to make your profile visible to members only, which is a shame. When is this option going to be available, if at all, please? I can understand why there are so many blank, pictureless profiles. Transparency is all very well and good, however, transparency should be a two-way thing. That's not how it is in my view. I don't want to strip my profile down to nothing or deactivate my account.
    The most loved post in topic
6 years ago • Jan 2, 2018
Villanelle​(staff) • Jan 2, 2018
Hey is something we are working on and we should have up for you this month, hopefully more towards the beginning than the end. We appreciate privacy is a big issue for many of our users. If you haven't read it yet, here's a brief statement on privacy & THE CAGE:,27.html

Thanks for your continued support and patience as we work to roll out new features and improvements.
Al Le Gory​(sadist female)
6 years ago • Jan 2, 2018
Hi Evangeline, thanks for your timely reply.

That's good news. I had read the article, by the way. I appreciate that it's a work in progress. It will be nice to have the option when it becomes available.

Thank you. icon_smile.gif
6 years ago • Jan 2, 2018
Villanelle​(staff) • Jan 2, 2018
Anytime..and chances are if you asked others are wondering so it gives us a chance to remind everyone about what's coming. Feel free to contact us anytime with your suggestions or concerns icon_smile.gif

Happy New Year!
Miki​(masochist female)
6 years ago • Jan 5, 2018
Miki​(masochist female) • Jan 5, 2018
Evangeline wrote:
Hey is something we are working on and we should have up for you this month, hopefully more towards the beginning than the end. We appreciate privacy is a big issue for many of our users. If you haven't read it yet, here's a brief statement on privacy & THE CAGE:,27.html

Thanks for your continued support and patience as we work to roll out new features and improvements.

I guess that's what I get for being late to this posting party. The link to Article 27 sends me to "Page Not Found."

However I am glad this is in the process of being addressed, as my avatar is my pic and there are any number of straight-arrows in my day-to-day life whom I prefer not be aware of what I like to do in the boudoir.-- or dungeon for that matter.
6 years ago • Mar 1, 2018
Villanelle​(staff) • Mar 1, 2018
We have been focused on the subscription system so far this year and haven't been able to turn our attention to these privacy options. They are at the top of our 'to do' list so I promise you they are coming. We'll let you know here (and everywhere) when they are ready. Thank you all for your patience and continued support icon_smile.gif
Mockingbear​(dom male){(<•>)}
6 years ago • Apr 18, 2018
I will not participate, and I know a host of other people who'd like to leave that other site for a better alternative, who also will not use this platform unless a profile can be made members only and you have a good grip with regards to privacy. I've been coming back every other month just to check in on this.