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thoughts on JOI

6 years ago • Feb 18, 2018

thoughts on JOI

rapidlyhip • Feb 18, 2018
simple question (JOI being jerkoff instruction). any thoughts on it, good bad or other

and if any women would want to, i'd love to have a sessino or two or 10....
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified Account
6 years ago • Feb 19, 2018
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified Account • Feb 19, 2018
I dont particularly want to offer you any jerk off instructions as I'm not looking for this type arrangement but I am wondering where you see the power exchange in this setup? You say your Dom also as you switch, so get what what I am asking.

To me the power all seems to directed at you in this set up, at her expense, time, all the effort from her! Honestly what is in it for her? Maybe if she watched you, you get a power balance at the very most but there never seems to be any fav to the Dominant and more tipped in favor in the submissve. If you see this another way, heck I'd love to hear and I'll take a guess so do other Dommes...

Also not judgement but your married so that again detracts from the Dominants control and further tips the scales towards you the submissive. I'm all honestly just trying to understand. Maybe if others also understood "what is in it for them" there might be more will to undertake JOI online (at no cost or without tribute, as I'm sure many a Fin/ProDomme will take you up on the offer for the right amount)
6 years ago • Feb 20, 2018
rapidlyhip • Feb 20, 2018
Thank you for your response Miss Bonnie.

I answered you privately about marriage (and will do so for any other Dommes), but will answer the rest here:

Yes, I do it on cam, particularly with Dommes i trust.

i dont see it as one sided as the Domme can do as she pleases in instruction - stop-go, fast-slow, touch elsewhere, use this, use that or even in some cases leave me before i can orgasm. those i've done it with have found amusement and sexual enjoyment.

In particular, those not on cam themselves seem to get more enjoyment. i dont get to experience their arousal - so while the pleasure is dual sided, the Domme gets more secrecy and advantage, particularly as i get heightened in desire to experience seeing Her, but being forced to not. That a Domme can have a poker face amid the instruction and not show any benefit - yet earning it in secret - to me is a major power advantage.
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified Account
6 years ago • Feb 20, 2018
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified Account • Feb 20, 2018
radilyhip wrote:
I answered you privately about marriage (and will do so for any other Dommes), but will answer the rest here:

Yes, he has and I appreciate his candor and honesty.
I'm a person that values honesty and trust more so when it comes to BDSM activities. I personally need trust to i'm sure many others do too, thats why I asked the return questions as I did.

I also really appreciate the time he has taken to reply on what in this "for the woman". More often than not when talking about wanting JOI anywhere else online your left with no reply from the OP. Your reply more than answered my query (not just for me but others reading along that are probably wondering the same)
    The most loved post in topic
6 years ago • Feb 21, 2018
rapidlyhip • Feb 21, 2018
Thank you Miss Bonnie for your response. I believe that JOI can be both thrilling and sensual for both parties when done properly. There are so many variations you can do with it that it can be absolutely thrilling, bone-hard challenging and quite honestly the most erotic experience someone could ever encounter.
Fyglia Wicked​(dom female)
6 years ago • Mar 16, 2018
Fyglia Wicked​(dom female) • Mar 16, 2018
Sounds more like you're an exhibitionest. I get many " request " for JOI from the uneducated men who think A Domme or Mistress is a kink filler. Unless your wife knows what youre doing online youre probably only finding service tops to play with .

Got it!
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