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What’s the difference?

safelle​(neither male)
4 years ago • Oct 16, 2020

What’s the difference?

safelle​(neither male) • Oct 16, 2020
Is there an difference between a clothing fetish vs. fabric fetish? I want to talk to someone that has this fetish so I can understand better. Thanks!
Taramafor​(sub male)
4 years ago • Nov 7, 2020
Taramafor​(sub male) • Nov 7, 2020
Is there a reason you can't talk about "fabric"? Or "How silk feels on your skin"?

Talking about safe labels won't have the same result as talking about the CONTEXT. You already have the context. work with that. "Clothes" is very general. And can involve fabric and silk. But does not have too. "Fabric" on the other hand is more specific. So simply talk about the specifics.

I don't need a label for "Silk bedsheet". Because there you go. That's what it is. can just call it that. If I had said just "bedsheet" that can be any kind. But saying "silk" or "fabric" avoids assumptions or misinterpretation on the matter. Considering you're already doing that I think talking about it will be fine.
Miki​(masochist female)
4 years ago • Nov 11, 2020

Re: What’s the difference?

Miki​(masochist female) • Nov 11, 2020
safelle wrote:
Is there an difference between a clothing fetish vs. fabric fetish? I want to talk to someone that has this fetish so I can understand better. Thanks!

I wouldn't call it a fetish but I have a thing about certain clothes, what they look like and how I use them to make a statement about how I tick, but when it comes to the fabric of a garment, being of very small size up top I very seldom wear a bra, so the more coarse the fabric of a top is, such as knit vs. cotton or polyester blend.-- directly relates to pleasurable stimulation from the texture.

Same with blue jeans and no underwear or a thong. A mildly erotic sensation from that material in contact with special places.

For me the clothes make the statement to others while what said accoutrements are made of and how that stimulates me affects me only.

So indeed, there is a difference.

Hope that helps
Byrdie​(switch female)​{rl only}Verified Account
4 years ago • Nov 21, 2020
Byrdie​(switch female)​{rl only}Verified Account • Nov 21, 2020
It took a little while, but I did some poking around and found "textophilia" defined as "an unnatural attraction to certain fabrics", the word being based on "textile".

However, many other hits are trying to repurpose the word into being about texting, so ... good luck.

A fabric fetish would be an attraction to a fabric no matter where it is or how it's presented: taffeta dress? taffeta drapes? a bolt of taffeta? Who cares, it's taffeta!

Meanwhile, someone who had a clothing fetish would be much more intensely interested in, say, a taffeta dress than they would taffeta drapes ... unless they were looking to repurpose the drapes into clothing.

A clothing fetish has a much narrower focus, in my opinion, than a fabric fetish.