@ MountaintopMaster,
Awesome questions to put forward, thank you. They feel like a really good grounds for opening up discussion around it all.
Absolutely agree with this
“but because they're not getting what they want out of an existing relationship.”
Yep... been dragged into that one. Definitely not a nice experience. This actually created a bit of a reluctance for me to enter into a newly “opened” poly situation. There are so many pitfalls to overcome and so many teething wrinkles to iron out. Being the first person either partner has dated makes things all rather “land mine-y.” Given that I was new to the experience too, was a bit of a recipe for disaster lol.
@ AzrieldaPuss,
I found myself nodding along with a lot of what you say here. And this really stood out...
“It’s when things go against the grain- say your paramour shares private information they were asked to never to do”...
this was my first experience with recognising a dealbreaker for me. I believe strongly in the saying... “listen closely to how someone talks about others to you, because that’s how they talk about you to others.” This came up with my first experience/attempt with poly, on our first meet, and I explained that I wasn’t ok with hearing such personal information about his significant others (or anyone). He didn’t understand but agreed to respect that. In hindsight, I should have realised that it was the fact that he didn’t understand that should’ve been my concern. Someone can’t respect an agreement if they don’t understand what they’re respecting... or therefore agreeing to. Lack of communication also.
I think something that is often overlooked in the poly situation is that it’s *more than one relationship* trying to form into a large synchronised conglomerate. Everything is amplified. So if you can’t do one-on-one well, it’s likely you won’t do many-on-one well, because as I’ve said many times, this relationship dynamic lays your shit bare. Jealous? You need to share that. Scared? You need to share that. Hurt? You need to share that. What may seem like a pebble in your sock, between two people, can be a boulder on the path, with more than two involved.
To give a picture of *one* way in which these types of relationships may show up, I have been given permission to share how our dynamic looks. For context, He and I are not in-person as of yet. He and His alpha girl were, however, she is no longer in the dynamic (hence the use of past tense). Also I believe it’s worth mentioning that I do not have other partners... so do not consider myself to be poly, even though I’m in a poly relationship.
Master is the Head of Household. He has final say in everything... girls included. There is an alpha slave and a beta slave. When I came into our “family,” I came in as second girl (beta) to His first girl (alpha). These are our positions, and that will never change. I am a beta slave in His household. He took many, many aspects into consideration when deciding on how us girls would fit together... much thought and deliberation went into how we would come together as a unit, how our personalities would mesh, how well we would adjust etc etc. l can’t speak for Him or His methods, but that’s just a rough idea at how much thought can go into trying to form the type of household we all seek. Both of us girls each had our role and it was very clearly defined. We both knew our place. For some that may seem unacceptable, however for someone like me it brings much comfort.
Our focus was always Him. Part of that was for us to get to know each other and work towards forming a friendship. The goal always was to become a cohesive unit in our dedication to our Master. He had no expectations of how He wanted us to bond, and He allowed us the freedom to do it at our own pace and in our own way. I can see now how well He matched us. But that took a long time for me to even see, let alone understand. All He kept asking me to do was to trust Him. And that’s all I could do until I finally began understanding all of the inner workings. In a lot of ways it seems it requires a great deal more time to develop a poly dynamic compared to one-on-one, simply because the more people involved, the more the complexity. It has been said that adding M/s to that mix as well, brings in a whole different layer. I can’t speak as to how that differs though, because I know no different.
I came in to an already established M/s dynamic of one year. Neither of us girls had experienced being in a situation quite like this (I had had a few rather random and somewhat disastrous, at times, past attempts). Our past didn’t matter though, we each decided we were willing to try... so we did. Jealousy was something that came up early. Also fear around not being enough, or being abandoned. We both had our different demons and fears to contend with also, because our experiences were slightly different. My jealousy stemmed from envying a bond that I simply didn’t and couldn’t have at this time. His other girl’s jealousy stemmed from a place of this new intruder interfering in their already established bond. So in a lot of ways we experienced the same things, just on different sides of the same coin. In all of this, the most important thing for us was Master. He needed to be an immovable (constant and stable) force in our lives... and He was. For both of us. Seamlessly.
Although our system was put in place with very strict boundaries... our individual relationship amongst each other was on an individual basis. Master’s relationship with His alpha was very much their own, and it was never discussed between He and i unless there were aspects that I needed to know. And vice versa. If she and I wanted to discuss anything between us, we had that same freedom, within reason of course... I’m pretty sure there would’ve been consequences for plotting to put sparkly beads in His beard
I think the thing that works best for me, is clarity. Having things as clearly defined as possible. Of course there will always be areas that come up that aren’t clearly defined, and that’s when discussion needs to take place. Sifting through the fears of everything simply brings us to a place of feeling safe and secure enough to discuss anything and everything.
I don’t want it to seem like we haven’t had to work hard to be where we are, nor that we’re at the place we’d like to be. There are still many hurdles to overcome, and I’ve come to learn that this is simply an ongoing thing, and that that’s ok. If this experience has taught me anything, it’s that there are people who truly do choose to relationship with mindfulness regardless of how the dynamic looks. With that can come a freedom to feel safe despite what may seem like contradictory circumstances. Every hurdle is a moment where you can all come together to support each other and work out how this can strengthen a previously unrecognised weakness in your foundation. Your dynamic may not look like ours, however I think that aspect there is the basis, regardless of what things look like.
I’m open to answering questions (within reason and the boundaries of what I’m allowed to divulge) about our dynamic should anyone have any.
Now to the main focus of this post, some questions I would think to ask nowadays...
What is their definition of poly, and how do they see that playing out in every day life?
Have they experienced being poly in the past?
What worked for themselves?
What didn’t work for themselves?
What worked for the others involved?
What didn’t work for the others involved?
Why did past relationships end?
How well are they with time and organisation?
How will that look in the context of relationships within the dynamic?
What system is there in place for questions or worries or fears to be discussed?
What relationship is *expected* between those not directly intimate?
What relationship is *hoped* for?
What are the boundaries of everyone involved?
What are the dealbreakers?
No doubt there will be more that come to mind. I will add more if/when they do. Hope this helps