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Developing feelings

4 years ago • Aug 22, 2020

It all depends.

truckstopjunkie • Aug 22, 2020
I say I'm vanilla because I cant decide in one meeting if I can trust someone. If I'm going to be with someone. I'm going to feel for them. Some people know how to make you feel for them, through sheer manipulation and thought out strategy because of their lack. In their life. Stories unfold and the beat goes on, but normally when feelings are caught to fast, then the one who actually cares, gets the stake and crucifixion. I'm still going to feel for who I am with, and I hope they value trust. Then i get to role play, punish and torture, with some joy. Usually doesnt work out that way though.
DukeOfPayne{Training C}
3 years ago • Feb 28, 2021
DukeOfPayne{Training C} • Feb 28, 2021
If you are talking about an encounter with a True Dominant / Domme ?

Then put yourself to your knees before them submissive

And find out
Defender​(dom male)
3 years ago • Feb 28, 2021
Defender​(dom male) • Feb 28, 2021
"If you are talking about an encounter with a True Dominant / Domme ?"

Therein lies the problem:

What is a "true Dominant"?

How is a submissive - especially a newbie submissive - supposed to know what a "true Dominant" is?

As one person's opinion of a "true Dominant" will differ from another's, I would suggest that no submissive get on their knees until they are sure they know the answer to this question.

The pitfalls of rushing in too quickly are widely known.

However, each to their own......
ElizaEmma​(sub female){NotLooking}
3 years ago • Feb 28, 2021
DukeOfPayne wrote:
If you are talking about an encounter with a True Dominant / Domme ?

Then put yourself to your knees before them submissive

And find out

Sounds a bit ass backward. You should "find out" first before submitting.
Susie Q{Daddy Ant}
3 years ago • Feb 28, 2021
Susie Q{Daddy Ant} • Feb 28, 2021
What you feel is never ‘wrong’. Just keep evaluating where you are at in the relationship and what’s happening between Y/you.
ellefire​(sub female)
3 years ago • Mar 1, 2021
ellefire​(sub female) • Mar 1, 2021
Catching feelings can certainly be scary, because it means you've opened yourself up to hurt. BUT it also means you're open to a full human experience. For me at least, submission is part of my core being (though I didn't learn this till recently!) and to truly submit I have to have feelings for my Dom. I can roleplay without them, but that doesn't feed my soul in the same way (though there's certainly nothing wrong with it!). For me, the hardest part is worrying that I'm the only one feeling anything - I need to know that my Dom is in it for real as well. And this is where online is so, so hard. It's much easier to fake feelings from behind a keyboard, or even on the phone, so if real time meets aren't possible, I personally wouldn't be able to really submit.

Good luck!
3 years ago • Mar 1, 2021
Kelpi • Mar 1, 2021
It is not wrong but it is not a good thing. True feelings take time and getting to know someone and how they fit in your life is very important. I know right now getting to know someone is not easy but time is something we all need to take before we hand over our hearts. I have given my heart away and had it thrown back at me after years. Then again it has happened after a few weeks also. If your not willing to take the time or they are not willing to give it then there is a problem. Time is our greatest commodity because it is the one thing we can not buy sell or get more of. It is the one thing we can share and have last a lifetime from doing.