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Domestic Discipline

Sunnie​(sub female)
3 years ago • May 20, 2021

Domestic Discipline

Sunnie​(sub female) • May 20, 2021
I was approached by someone if I knew what domestic discipline is/was. (This person is not on this site as far as I know)
I’ve never heard of it prior. I tried researching but didn’t really find anything useful.
My question is: What is it really and how much does it differ from a D/s relationship?
I’m genuinely curious 🤨
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified Account
3 years ago • May 22, 2021
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified Account • May 22, 2021
Domestic Discipline with the "truest"(undiluted) f meaning within the Femdom world (or the head of household), is where there is NO BDSM activities for "fun or pleasure" and only discipline is used for correction. In short form its a normal life(not sub/slave'ish in form) but s/he will "punish and correct" behaviors she doesn't like through pain.

for EG she asked him to please do the dishes and fold the laundry when you get home from work as I have to get the kids and grab some shopping! she then get home and hes on the sofa, the laundry still on the chair and the sink full. she would then apply what ever "correction" was agreed upon and put in place. He doesn't operate in a (hate to use the word but have to) "true" submissive role,, its more like the commonly accepted "hen pecked" husband (or "1950 wife"if you want the reverse model) role so the dynamic of "healthy" relationship model is achieved.

it also has a few other names HoH (head of Household) Christian discipline. FLR (female lead relationship, although this name is often misused now days) TIH (taken in hand) I'm sure there more I have forgotten
    The most loved post in topic
3 years ago • May 22, 2021
CSI • May 22, 2021
I just bumped the forum post where I had a similar question. There was a great answer given icon_smile.gif