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Asexual lesbian

ribbonbaby​(sub female){Guarded}
3 years ago • Oct 14, 2021
Because an asexual, as far as I am aware is someone with no sexual drive if any kind.
Whereas a lesbian, again to my knowledge, is someone sexually attracted to women.

One has no sexual drive, the other does.
3 years ago • Oct 14, 2021
DrWakko • Oct 14, 2021
Maybe because your profile states you have a girl and boyfriend. Being on the asexual spectrum is one thing, but calling yourself a lesbian might confuse people.
Secret Mind​(dom male)
3 years ago • Oct 14, 2021
Secret Mind​(dom male) • Oct 14, 2021
People might be getting confused because lesbians are women who are sexually attracted to only other women.
Being asexual means you are not physically and mentally sexually attracted to anyone and have no desire for sex.
So when you say that you're a lesbian. Your saying that you're only sexually attracted to women. But your also saying you're asexual. Meaning your not sexually attracted to anyone and have no desire for sex.
There's a difference between being sexually attracted to someone and a difference between seeing them as a friend.
3 years ago • Oct 14, 2021
DrWakko • Oct 14, 2021
Note: being asexual or being on the asexual spectrum and sexual attraction have nothing to do with each other. You can be a male and asexual and want relationships with other men, or women or both. Asexuals are capable of love of any and all genders. Asexuals typically (depending where they are on the spectrum) don't want to have sex with the person they fall in love with.
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified Account
3 years ago • Oct 14, 2021
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified Account • Oct 14, 2021
Perhaps because some people don't understand (or won't accept) that there is a difference between love and sex; between aromantic and asexual.
Their preconception is:

1. A female who loves another female must be a lesbian.

2. A loving relationship between any person and any other person must include sex.

3. Therefore love and sex must necessarily coexist.

As you know that is not always the case. But they can't reconcile the two so their heads explode.
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3 years ago • Oct 14, 2021
CSI • Oct 14, 2021
@longer Johnny- she liked your explanation so much, she used it in her blog. Well done