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blue butterfly​(masochist female){S}
5 years ago • Jul 28, 2018


I'm really obsessed with MBTI lately. After reading a post on Facebook about a tinder trend of people putting their types on bio, I decided to make a post here icon_smile.gif

Have you heard of mbti? If you haven't I highly recommend you read about it and you can do a test here -

If so please tell us what's your type below!

There's probably no relationship on being kinky / dom/sub and being a specific personality type. Also even though mbti is a pretty accurate test, it's not really proven to be scientific. But it would be interesting if we find out a certain pattern!!

Aa for me, I'm an intp (I think)
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Miki​(masochist female)
5 years ago • Jul 28, 2018
Miki​(masochist female) • Jul 28, 2018
blue butterfly wrote:
I hope this isn't too boring of a topic ._.

Boring? hell no. Informative, yes.

Side note: I saw you "liked" one of my older posts, then noticed we were birds of a twisted feather (masochist females) and looked up your profile and on it was the, (I forget the actual name of the link) "Kink test". I took it and posted the results on my profile. The results were mixed. Some spot on, others a bit off track but in general I like those kinds of things and now will try the latest link you provided-- although those "personality" tests I see on Facebook harvest information for advertisers. Not that this is a bad thing, just a caveat. Anyway thanks for these interesting links and notes!
blue butterfly​(masochist female){S}
5 years ago • Jul 29, 2018
MissBonnie wrote:
Not a boring topic at all. you might like another thread on MB

Thank you! Thats an interesting thread. I'll check it out:)
blue butterfly​(masochist female){S}
5 years ago • Jul 29, 2018
Miki wrote:
blue butterfly wrote:
I hope this isn't too boring of a topic ._.

Boring? hell no. Informative, yes.

Side note: I saw you "liked" one of my older posts, then noticed we were birds of a twisted feather (masochist females) and looked up your profile and on it was the, (I forget the actual name of the link) "Kink test". I took it and posted the results on my profile. The results were mixed. Some spot on, others a bit off track but in general I like those kinds of things and now will try the latest link you provided-- although those "personality" tests I see on Facebook harvest information for advertisers. Not that this is a bad thing, just a caveat. Anyway thanks for these interesting links and notes!

Hello! You're the first fellow masochist I saw on the forum haha

icon_smile.gif The mbti test is generally quite accurate, though it gets complicated as you have to learn about the function theories about it.

And I checked out your bdsm test results in your bio! icon_smile.gif You can actually see the definitions of each term - like boy/girl, masochist, submissive, etc - from the results page. There should be a "read more" button. I agree the test isn't entirely accurate but it's a good reference - and I found the definitions to be quite helpful in putting a label on myself icon_biggrin.gif