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Kinky Game: Story/Line

Lustella​(sub female)
2 years ago • Dec 21, 2021

Kinky Game: Story/Line

Lustella​(sub female) • Dec 21, 2021
This is a game meant for creative expression with fun, collaborative, sensual writing! Hope you enjoy!

Name Three Things, One for Each of the Following Categories, that could go together in a Scene or Fantasy of your Liking. You may describe a few minor details, but mostly allow for open interpretation so others can come up with their own narrative as well.

1. Person: Designate at least One Character by Name, Occupation, or Essence of Being (Examples: Johnny Bravo; a Doctor; The Voice of Death Itself)
2. Place: Describe One Location in which your Scene unfolds (Examples: an Elegant Marble Ballroom; a Van; A Place that Reeks of Cigars)
3. Thing: Choose an Item and/or Sensation that manifests within your fantasy (Examples: Chains and a collar; a low humming sound; Claws, stinging the skin where they pierce.

* Wild Card: A *Wild Card is a Prerequisite that You May Set for the Next Person who Writes a Short Story or Line based on what you filled in for the previous Categories. Wild Card Challenges are Completely Optional for the the Writer presented with the Challenge. (Example: "Bonus points if you're able to include 10 Crocodiles and still make your Story/Line sexy!"

I'll give an example of how this game would possibly continue, if the "Person, Place, and Thing" I was replying to were "A Werewolf, A Place that Reeks of Cigars, and a Collar with Chains":

"The girl moaned, quietly, helplessly. It's not as if she weren't enjoying it, the raking, the teeth, the snarling, but the SMELL. Thick smoke. As the creature of moonlight, the cursed Werewolf pounded into her, grinding and molding its hips against her thick thighs, ever deeper inside of her, that cloying scent gripped the monster's fur. It gripped her hair, and the girl glanced up as a large man watched her, sipping his whisky, exhaling another cloud. The man's gaze wandered lazily from their thrashing backsides and issued a glare at the lycanthrope. He tugged a chain, snapping the creature further upright, elevating its frustration, as the monster had clearly enjoyed slouching while fucking its flesh toy. Obediently, but not without vigor, the werewolf began thrusting faster, clutching the girl by her ribs. The monstrous being's hands wrapped perfectly around her, the tiny semblance of humanoid mentality relishing the feel of the young woman's nipples between his fingers and claws. The woman couldn't scream, she knew, no matter how good.... She looked to her left. The Master's 10 crocodiles slept dangerously close to his front porch. She hoped they were not hungry. She hoped that the werewolf would fill her belly to the brim again."

Your turn!
1. Person: A King or other Ruler
2. Place: Within a Cage, the cage can be anywhere
3. Thing: A Blindfold and a slight chill in the air
*Wildcard: Include an apple somewhere in your Story/Line!
gentle domme​(dom female)
2 years ago • Dec 21, 2021
gentle domme​(dom female) • Dec 21, 2021
King woke up, he was confused at first, he couldn't remember where he was and his body was sore from sleeping on the cold floor. Then things started falling in place, he was in a cage, in his own dungeon in his own castle nonetheless! If only his subordinates could see him now! He chuckled at the thought. Then he heard her, that voice, the voice that was torturing him last night, scenes from then started flashing in front of his eyes. The whip marks she left on his body earlier started waking up. His cheeks started to blush almost to the shade of the apples on the table next to the cage. Weird he thought why are there apples in the dungeon? But he couldn't give it any more thought. She was unlocking the cage with one hand, while holding the blindfold in the other with a smirk on her face. Good, you're awake. Time to continue with our game...

1.Person: famous singer
2.Place: hotel room
3.Thing: wooden paddle
    The most loved post in topic
LongerJohnny​(dom male)
2 years ago • Dec 22, 2021
LongerJohnny​(dom male) • Dec 22, 2021
"Hungarian Goulash seems simple enough to make. Meat... other things. How hard could it be?"
But she had never made it before. In fact, she had never cooked anything, from childhood through a professional career that began ages before there were things like stoves and food. And because she never had to. She was a famous singer, a Broadway star, a real mensch. She was so well known in the world of stage and screen that she was often referred to by one name only - Barbra!
She performed her sold-out show every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the Sadist Club in Las Vegas, torturing ticket buyers for a measly $3000 per session (a high price considering Celine was handing it out for free over in a dumpster behind a dungeon at the south end of the Strip, known affectionately by the local homeless community as the Slave Shack.) During her off hours she remained secluded in her suite on the top floor of the hotel so that it would be more difficult for her servants to convey her up and down the stairs to and from the stage.
The show had ended early this evening, and Babs was hungry so when she returned to her hotel room she called down to the front desk and asked the lowly, non-superstar person at the other end of the line if there were any people staying in the hotel who were famous enough to deliver to her room potatoes and paprika and other goulash-y type items, along with someone of equal or greater star power who would gladly pay her for the privilege of preparing her dinner.
As it turned out there was not, but 30-45 minutes later Barbra opened the door to her suite to see a man in a kitchen outfit carrying what she assumed were tools for abusing staff with.
"What are you?" she demanded in a shrill, nasally voice that accosted the ears of the cook so suddenly that it gave him instant tinnitus.
"Greetings Your Holiness Mrs. Barbra, I am a lowly member of the hotel kitchen staff. I have come bearing tomato sauce, noodles, and paprika with which to prepare your dinner."
"You are not famous!" she squealed, nearly shattering every window in the building.
"No, but I present for your inspection and approval pots and pans, sharp knives and wooden spoons and -"
- Seeing the spoons, with wide eyes Barbra whispered, "I know these... they are implements of great power... in my show I strike well-paying peasants with them... Ah, yes, paddles they are..."
Barbra suddenly switched into Diva mode. She snatched the large steel pot from the arms of the cook, emptied the contents onto the floor, grabbed the wooden spoon and began jumping up and down on the beds, leaping from one to the other, all the while banging the pot with the spoon while chanting "Paddle, Paddle, Paddle, Paddle!"
When the Hotel manager heard the horrible sounds emanating from the suite on the top floor of the Sadist Club he immediately extended Barbra's contract to 5 nights a week.

1. Comedian
2. Truck stop restroom
3. Squirt gun