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1950's Household

2 years ago • Feb 26, 2022
Notely • Feb 26, 2022
1950s OG old school Time and place for it still live in the present moment. I have lived it. You live how you want to what you agree with your partner but they have to be in to also that how will work. My first Head Of Household we did find each other looking for we found each other in Forums back then we connected on the same level. Yes I was young then early 20s He was a Head of of House Hold Master him self before taken on another. 1950s more of the 1950s lifestyle it’s more modern but discipline with love. In the 1950s more of courtship and love and gentlemen getting to know the girl nothing was forced everything was agreed on. Head of household Master his self secure his life love him self to love another make room for women. He leads takes the hand to lead the way. He shows her , help her grow , lifts her , supports her , cherish her , devoted to her as his own. Know one is perfect it’s how you carry yourself. Lady of the house keep herself up look her best at all times she up before everyone she making the house the home keeping it tidy not about hitting pretty about doing your share as your husband out making living for the family. Good to educate one self of those times taking pride in appearance take care yourself dress nice classy to casual both should. In these time both men and women should if your looking for 1950s don’t dream it be it. Invest in the wear and life and brush on manners like Emily post manners books , be lady and gentlemen you have get rid of bad habits start being grown as a adult one for one only for each other not all over the place. This lifestyle you think is pricy it’s not just knowing we’re to find things and vintage stores. Home economics what women learned back then so good to learn to sew and cook find some cook books and videos and how to clean. 1950s not lifestyle be sloppy not in your pajamas all the time know this snapping out of it. Head or household should complement his lady as she does as this team work about us. With out communication or love no us their us. Invest in a apron the clothes some can be pricy Have to shop around look for sales find some at second hand stores. Learn to make clothes. Women don’t look for man just to take care of you take care yourself mind and body and educate yourself when time comes don’t wait let thing flow. Yes head or household sharpen up take care then self not sloppy she looks her best she gonna want same in return. You don’t have to have hourglass figure they wore steal boned corsets and girdles to firm the curves vintage clothes fit better. Never try to change women love how she comes be glad get to even be part of her some will respect her better. This lifestyle not a fetish it’s love bond and respect two way street discipline with love. Can spank but don’t get when she does know how show her kiss her Bo Bo’s women made from a man the rib she sensitive loving creature so be more patient with her. Domestic discipline can be talked about should never be forced she liked be paddle daily know her place she had to be willing slowly do gentle til she starts liking it gotta be romantic with pleasure before she can enjoy more pain. Enjoy the love together should never be out of hate. This more vanilla but do as you want but know women is be treated like dirt she has a voice and brain not all about sex more then that. Respect yourself both explore your worth understanding sacred growth court the love before get in to it more.
2 years ago • Feb 26, 2022
Notely • Feb 26, 2022
I use to be second owner many 1950s and stepford groups on fet I left to do my own I took over one had many people had to delete it some were not respecting the the lifestyle. Just seems some groups are run by trolls they just let people rude some guys on There do not respect a submissive they say they never be in love this not right this not how grown head of household would be seems more of narcissistic‘s not safe you need consent and love not saying every one’s like this but be
Cautious. Why only did my own 1950’s domestic discipline so on. People can have a choice don’t be fooled when gets Clicky. I like real authentic. I wear the clothes have lived picture to prove should have to say. Fet has changed not all bad best doing things on your own. Old video have good 1950s marriage
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){}
2 years ago • Mar 6, 2022
It doesn't appear to me as fishing more as an inquiry. In any case, I find the 1950's fascinating. I enjoy dressing in 1940s and 1950s clothing I find them extremely feminine. Someone already mentioned Fetlife. Also, there is at least one youtuber who I follow that has a lot of helpful information about clothes/fashion during that period.
2 years ago • Mar 27, 2022
LordofPain56 • Mar 27, 2022
As far as physical surroundings, I've never moved out of the '50's. The house is older than dirt, the kitchen appliances include 1950's Kelvinator refrigerator and '50's Majic Chef stove, a '50's hotplate and early '60s GE toaster. The kitchen cabinetry is early '60's made by Haas. Vinyl tile flooring in kitchen and bathroom. All the household furniture is hand-me-downs from the late '50's to late '60's. Even my cars are both mid '50's models. Everything functions and is still in use daily. The interior decor of the house is a throwback and has had no updates since '79, but duplicated the previous style of decor from the early '60's.
As far as a '50's lifestyle, it is more about attitude than clothing or surroundings. I keep the old things because they still work and I can repair them when something goes wrong.
To me, '50's lifestyle can be like Ward and June Cleaver from the '50's TV show leave it to Beaver or it can be mixed in with Christian domestic discipline or Taken-in-hand style relationship. Each are time honored well-established and respectable lifestyles and compatible with each other when mixed.
When discipline is used, it is agreed upon by both parties beforehand that if a rule is broken, there should be a punishment and what the punishment could be.
Normally there are traditional gender roles that each take, and the responsibilities are often strictly adhered to out of respect and love for the other partner, so transgressions of the rules are rare, usually mistakes. Everything is agreed upon before the household is set up (before or when the relationship begins). Any compromises must be agreed upon. There is never any impromptu punishment. The offender is notified of what the rules say the punishment is and when the punishment will be carried out (or is made aware of where the rule agreement is kept she she can look it up herself).
Complaints, or worries are made respectfully and without drama. They talk to work things out in each case and come to an agreement. It's often a well-structured lifestyle in which each partner knows his or her duties and carries them out. Certain routines occur in these lifestyles which compliment the lifestyle structure and make life easier for both partners. This may include scheduling of domestic chores on a daily or weekly basis or may include scheduling of girls night out, boys night out or adult playtime night. Most of these type of lifestyles have a moral underpinning that includes gaining further knowledge about God by learning scripture and joining church groups. They teach their children these things and discipline the children when they break the rules also by some pre-agreed upon punishments. For meal-times, most of these lifestyles agree upon the family eating together at the kitchen table at breakfast and at supper whenever possible. Obviously, this becomes disrupted as the children become more involved in extra-curricular school activities, but it is understood. Even meal planning is often done on a daily or weekly basis. Some couples strive for further personal development in other areas which are discussed with each other in an effort to determine that it won't hamper the tranquility of their happy home in some way. When there are dis-agreements about anything, they should both be respectful of each others opinions and not be afraid to make their case. In most of these lifestyles, the husband is considered the final authority when an agreement can't be reached and the wife must submit to his authority.
some people read about this stuff and think it must be a boring lifestyle. Ok, I kinda like boring, routine, drama-free living. You want some excitement, march right into the bedroom and I'll give ya some.