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explorer​(switch male)
2 years ago • Jun 1, 2022
explorer​(switch male) • Jun 1, 2022
Thanks corrupted girl for your reply, and I particularly like your idea of to "do all the things listed in your dice game in your backyard (depending on your privacy) or via cam on a consensual online forum or with someone who wants to participate."

Would there be any takers on The Cage? icon_smile.gif
2 years ago • Jun 1, 2022
Zelia • Jun 1, 2022
corruptedgirl wrote:
Just reiterating what everyone else has already said but from a different angle (In case it hasn't been said yet). This advice also protects you as well.
You don't want to be stumbled upon by someone who might not be so open minded and understanding of what you're attempting to do.

This can result in verbal abuse or even assault in some cases or having the police called and you ending up being reported because people don't understand what you're doing. I.e. They assume you are a flasher or something similar. The last thing you want is to be on national news or having your mugshot taken with lipstick on haha.

However you could totally do all the things listed in your dice game in your backyard (depending on your privacy) or via cam on a consensual online forum or with someone who wants to participate.

You’re right, anyone viewing exposure or suchlike would be behaving in a socially responsible way if they informed the police and they may well be, justifiably, quite verbal, particularly if they are with children or other more vulnerable or impressionable adults.

The motivation of the exhibitionist is not the concern of the public, it’s all the same to them and largely not something they want to come across. It’s our responsibility to ensure that we don’t impose kink on others.

Using a garden that’s not overlooked, or with someone who consents online is a much better idea.