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Permission to cum

2 years ago • Jun 18, 2022

Re: Permission to cum

I'mME • Jun 18, 2022
LongerJohnny wrote:
I'mME wrote:
tsi wrote:
I am not allowed to cum without permission. Whenever I ask it’s usually a no . And I say please let me cum and I’ll do anything! And he says okay give me suggestions on what you will do for me to allow you to cum . Thays where I get stuck and I don’t know what suggestions to give .
What are things I can do for him to let me cum ?

Note: we are in a long distance relationship

Hi, my words will not be popular for this topic but it's important.
Orgasm control, orgasm denial, COC [cum on command] are popular kinks, but can quickly cross over to a dark side, depending on the dynamic.
I have read about 2 handfuls of comments [on another platform] and one writing about the negative outcomes of this type of play.

Cum to the Dark Side
I am very interested in knowing more about this. What did these comments say and where can I find them?

You can find them on Fet.
I am not going into this on here to for people to lecture or school me.
I'm not saying that was your intent, but it is why I stopped my comment where I did.
ButterfliesAndCuffs​(sub female)
2 years ago • Jun 18, 2022

Re: Permission to cum

I'mME wrote:
LongerJohnny wrote:
I'mME wrote:
tsi wrote:
I am not allowed to cum without permission. Whenever I ask it’s usually a no . And I say please let me cum and I’ll do anything! And he says okay give me suggestions on what you will do for me to allow you to cum . Thays where I get stuck and I don’t know what suggestions to give .
What are things I can do for him to let me cum ?

Note: we are in a long distance relationship

Hi, my words will not be popular for this topic but it's important.
Orgasm control, orgasm denial, COC [cum on command] are popular kinks, but can quickly cross over to a dark side, depending on the dynamic.
I have read about 2 handfuls of comments [on another platform] and one writing about the negative outcomes of this type of play.

Cum to the Dark Side
I am very interested in knowing more about this. What did these comments say and where can I find them?

You can find them on Fet.
I am not going into this on here to for people to lecture or school me.
I'm not saying that was your intent, but it is why I stopped my comment where I did.

Do you mind sharing how to find it? I’m genuinely interested. You can just send the link in message if you’re more comfortable. I won’t debate you about it. 😊
2 years ago • Jun 18, 2022

Re: Permission to cum

I'mME • Jun 18, 2022
ButterfliesAndCuffs wrote:
I'mME wrote:
LongerJohnny wrote:
I'mME wrote:
tsi wrote:
I am not allowed to cum without permission. Whenever I ask it’s usually a no . And I say please let me cum and I’ll do anything! And he says okay give me suggestions on what you will do for me to allow you to cum . Thays where I get stuck and I don’t know what suggestions to give .
What are things I can do for him to let me cum ?

Note: we are in a long distance relationship

Hi, my words will not be popular for this topic but it's important.
Orgasm control, orgasm denial, COC [cum on command] are popular kinks, but can quickly cross over to a dark side, depending on the dynamic.
I have read about 2 handfuls of comments [on another platform] and one writing about the negative outcomes of this type of play.

Cum to the Dark Side
I am very interested in knowing more about this. What did these comments say and where can I find them?

You can find them on Fet.
I am not going into this on here to for people to lecture or school me.
I'm not saying that was your intent, but it is why I stopped my comment where I did.

Do you mind sharing how to find it? I’m genuinely interested. You can just send the link in message if you’re more comfortable. I won’t debate you about it. 😊

I will put together a few links, and get it to you guys. I am not uncomfortable nor afraid to discuss anything. I just know how these kinds of subjects take a turn.

I also am a someone whom experienced I'll side effects of orgasm control. You appear to me by your answers and questions to be a beautiful person. You Dom seems to be equally a fair, protective person.
My main goal in stopping was so I did not drag this thread down.

I will find enough to get y'all started,.

If this niceness from either was feigned, or there is disbelief, that is not on my head, but it always affects my heart.
ButterfliesAndCuffs​(sub female)
2 years ago • Jun 18, 2022

Re: Permission to cum

I'mME wrote:
ButterfliesAndCuffs wrote:
I'mME wrote:
LongerJohnny wrote:
I'mME wrote:
tsi wrote:
I am not allowed to cum without permission. Whenever I ask it’s usually a no . And I say please let me cum and I’ll do anything! And he says okay give me suggestions on what you will do for me to allow you to cum . Thays where I get stuck and I don’t know what suggestions to give .
What are things I can do for him to let me cum ?

Note: we are in a long distance relationship

Hi, my words will not be popular for this topic but it's important.
Orgasm control, orgasm denial, COC [cum on command] are popular kinks, but can quickly cross over to a dark side, depending on the dynamic.
I have read about 2 handfuls of comments [on another platform] and one writing about the negative outcomes of this type of play.

Cum to the Dark Side
I am very interested in knowing more about this. What did these comments say and where can I find them?

You can find them on Fet.
I am not going into this on here to for people to lecture or school me.
I'm not saying that was your intent, but it is why I stopped my comment where I did.

Do you mind sharing how to find it? I’m genuinely interested. You can just send the link in message if you’re more comfortable. I won’t debate you about it. 😊

I will put together a few links, and get it to you guys. I am not uncomfortable nor afraid to discuss anything. I just know how these kinds of subjects take a turn.

I also am a someone whom experienced I'll side effects of orgasm control. You appear to me by your answers and questions to be a beautiful person. You Dom seems to be equally a fair, protective person.
My main goal in stopping was so I did not drag this thread down.

I will find enough to get y'all started,.

If this niceness from either was feigned, or there is disbelief, that is not on my head, but it always affects my heart.

Thank you. I would really appreciate it. I really would like to find out more about that. Orgasm control is something that my Dom and I enjoy so I’d like to be aware of any possible negative effects. Thank you very much for the compliments. 😊
2 years ago • Jun 18, 2022
Notely • Jun 18, 2022
You should be able to hold for a while then they allow you this is about two people not just one.
2 years ago • Jun 19, 2022
DaddyXX • Jun 19, 2022
I have been doing this for decades..each situation is different..but NEVER allowing? To me that is self defeating..I do require..when allowing...that there is a verbal pronouncement attached..'Im coming for XXX' intensifies the 'excercise...and in time..the entire procedure becomes automatic/ritualistic...the partners orgasm should be seen as entertainment/dedication to the owner..not for her/his pleasure..
Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female){Owned}
2 years ago • Jun 19, 2022
All of the replies are interesting but no one has mentioned the joy of embracing his will. It’s not only about submitting your body, it is submitting your will to his. Only in acceptance of his will can you truly find release.

Suffer for him, embrace the knowledge that your suffering brings him pleasure, and find your solace in knowing that you are bringing joy and value to his life.

It’s not easy, and it doesn’t always work. The dynamic has to be balanced in order to achieve joyful submission.

Ask yourself a few questions:
Is your dynamic meeting your needs emotionally? Do you feel loved and cared for?
Is that worth suffering for?

If the answer is yes, embrace his will and express your gratitude for his dominance and love for him as a (regular) man by enduring and sacrificing joyfully.
2 years ago • Jun 20, 2022
DaddyXX • Jun 20, 2022
embracing his will? why else would 'she' even consider giving up the rights to her own body?..its a 'given'..
Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female){Owned}
2 years ago • Jun 20, 2022
I’m happy to simplify things for you, everyone needs that now and again.

Let’s start with a couple of definitions.

Embrace: To accept or support (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically.

Accept: To consent to receive (a thing offered).

Yes, apparently she has given up the right to her body, her pleasure. However, from what I can see written here there is no enthusiasm in it. She is accepting his will, not embracing it. That fine line makes all the difference in the world for both the Dom and submissive. It is the difference between submission on a physical level and submission on a soul level.
MasterDomDok​(sadist male){you?}
2 years ago • Jun 20, 2022
Sweetlydepraved wrote:
...Embrace: To accept or support (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically.

Accept: To consent to receive (a thing offered).

Yes, apparently she has given up the right to her body, her pleasure. However, from what I can see written here there is no enthusiasm in it. She is accepting his will, not embracing it. That fine line makes all the difference in the world for both the Dom and submissive. It is the difference between submission on a physical level and submission on a soul level.

Finally! A subbie who gets it! LISTEN to Sweetlydepraved folks! She speaks truth and wisdom. A Dom could dream of owning one such.