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Non Porn Videos or Images.

Fallout​(sub male)
2 years ago • Jul 7, 2022

Non Porn Videos or Images.

Fallout​(sub male) • Jul 7, 2022
I am a submissive male with no experience in this at all. I have an interest in girls being collared and cuffed or leashed. It is something I would like for myself. My interest though is not pornographic.
There are plenty of adult stories, videos, image sites all catering for this but all are pornographic and mostly hardcore or hurtcore.
It is almost impossible to find material without physical cruelty, abusive sex or torture.
I am interested in girls wearing collars, being cuffed or leashed in public or in social situations without nudity or any of the above.
Two questions.
1. Are there others here with a similar interest as mine.
2. Does anyone know of sites I can be guided to.
Thanks again.
Fallout​(sub male)
2 years ago • Jul 8, 2022
Fallout​(sub male) • Jul 8, 2022
moll wrote:
Just so I understand you correctly: you want to see images of young women in cuffs and collar, but you want them not to be in fetish wear ...just ever day clothes? Is that right?

Hi, thanks for replying. Yes that is correct. well, Goth, Emo, Steampunk would be fine as well but the idea is the images not to emphasise on the sexual aspects. There is plenty of that out there already but very little concerning "everyday" life so to speak.

Thanks again.
moll​(other female)​{owned slav}
2 years ago • Jul 8, 2022
Oh! Sounds like what you are looking for has nothing to do with BDSM. I don't know what the significance of wearing cuffs and collars is in emo and goth communities., but in BDSM it is about bondage, discipline, and control/ownership of a sub or slave and not trying to look a certain way or shock value. BDSM has a lot to do with sexuality so it's going to be photographed in that context. In everyday life, most of us don't go around wearing obvious cuffs and collars because we generally do not advertise our involvement to mainstream society. We keep our private lives....private.
LongerJohnny​(dom male)​{B&C}Verified Account
2 years ago • Jul 8, 2022
LongerJohnny​(dom male)​{B&C}Verified Account • Jul 8, 2022
It's not uncommon to see chokers worn as a fashion item, and not unheard of to see the occasional collar used in the same way, though far less frequent. But I have never seen anyone wearing cuffs unrelated to BDSM or being arrested. A possible way around that could be to have someone pose for ostensibly non-BDSM pictures while wearing a collar and cuffs.
That seems somewhat like a contradiction in terms but if it is what you are looking for then that's what matters right?
Literate Lycan​(dom male)
2 years ago • Jul 8, 2022
Literate Lycan​(dom male) • Jul 8, 2022
Many individuals wear their collars, bracelets and anklets in public as an outward demonstration of their dynamic. Although some individuals who wear goth or emo probably wear collars as an accessory to their outfits without consideration of the implications (much like the punk rock attire from the mid-70s wore spike collars and even leashes), I'd hazard to say some individuals who dress to fit other communities also do so because they are actively participating in D/s.

A number of the submissive women on this site I am personal friends with have day collars and public collars they wear regularly when running around. Some are lacy and accentuate their attire, so the average person upon seeing it probably just thinks it's a nice accoutrement as opposed to "Oh my gawd, you must be into kinky stuff."

I did a quick "google" search "Collars and cuffs in public" and came up with a number of pictures that did not involve nudity or elements of BDSM. I refined the search to "Collars in public" and came up with a good number of photos of women in public with various collars (and one of a Priest). Easy search. Have fun.
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