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ozark hiker girl​(sub female){Owned by E}
2 years ago • Aug 16, 2022

Re: Hypnosis

I am new this year to D/s but have enjoyed my foray into erotic hypnosis with E, the Dom that I have been exploring with. In my case we've used it for sexy play, which has been a lot of fun. In my vanilla relationships I struggled so hard to orgasm that they were rare. Using hypnosis to help me orgasm has definitely improved my sex life - he can send me a command in a text message and I will cum, or can also tell me the same command over the phone. It's pretty amazing, and fun when he catches me off guard with a command lol while I am going about my day. Oh he makes sure that I'm safe to do it, not driving, etc., could just be checking in, how's your day, what are you doing - then bam I get an orgasm!

I can definitely see where it could be helpful with past trauma if I needed that, a command could probably help me get past a bad feeling - more of a getting past an old ghost type of thing, it's not in-depth therapy of course. If you need that then a medical professional is the way to go.

E was very careful to work up to hypnosis with me. At no time was he pushing, it was always my choice. He offered it and gave me some examples of things he had done with previous subs. He also sent me out to do research on the topic to see what I thought independently. As we built trust over email day by day, I found myself fascinated and wanted to explore it. When we actually did it, we were both fully clothed, nothing crazy going on.

I had to WANT to be hypnotized though, that's important. If you don't want to be put under, most likely you can't be. And if you choose to try it in a D/s relationship eventually and you're not entirely sure that you can trust the person who is going to do it - just say no.

I imagine hypnotherapy has the same sort of requirement - you have to want it to work.
2 years ago • Aug 16, 2022
I'mME • Aug 16, 2022

Listen when I a'write that I had been stupid to believe someone, the conversation had been turned towards something that was not even being discussed. The responsibility of a sub. That was why I even put that last sentence about being stupid to buy into someone.

Not a thing to do with hypnosis. So conjecture on your part. I was just commenting back to someone that turned the conversation to subs need to take responsibility for themselves, like I had wrote a contrary remark.

Perhaps you should go back and reread. I will not sit and read a comment that goes on by one with statements that have nothing to do with what the conversation is.

What, call me stubborn, call it WHATEVER you like. That came off as lecture about something that was not in the table, just as yours has been. Asking questions or clarifying, could help prevent some assumptions from being written.

I do not and will not ever slay a group of persons based on the actions of one or a couple.

You would know that had you or anyone else inquired.

Like I stated before, I do not know know what is behind the some of the sniping and it's none of my business, except when it comes my way.

I will not tiptoe through the tulips, bc that is not who I am. I a/have a sense of humor, cracked open more books than could be counted, life long learner, big heart, but I don't anybody's bullshit just because.

My Dad taught me in 3rd grade to stick up for myself.
2 years ago • Aug 16, 2022
I'mME • Aug 16, 2022
And I am done with this back and forth. People may want to go back to the beginning of this thread and reread exactly who wrote what, and put reading comprehension to what I did write.