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Forum Fightclub

2 years ago • Sep 30, 2022
Ingénue{VK} • Sep 30, 2022
Bunnie wrote:
Somehow I feel like this thread needs more conflict…

Bunnie and DP I'm sure you're both right. Thank you for sharing.
House Talion​(dom male)
2 years ago • Oct 1, 2022
House Talion​(dom male) • Oct 1, 2022
Too many ubber-doms that think they know best without the experience to back it up to contest what others say while still pitching their style.
Literate Lycan​(dom male)
2 years ago • Oct 1, 2022
Literate Lycan​(dom male) • Oct 1, 2022
House Talion wrote:
Too many ubber-doms that think they know best without the experience to back it up to contest what others say while still pitching their style.

House Talion, I always enjoy reading what you write, even when I'm not on the same page. I would simply add that a great many of the forums that slide off track or dissipate into altercations include those of the other side of the slash being catty.

There are a variety of reasons, typically bad, for why forum posts devolve into shenanigans. My initial thoughts were it isn't really about the topic nor the tone people take, but often the people themselves. When someone submits a forum post, typically Person A responds with a comment. Shortly thereafter, Person B, the arch-nemesis of Person A, must rise to the occasion and offer an alternative and obviously better solution to the question and subtly personally attack Person A. They easily slide away from "there is no one true way" into "except mine is better than yours and you're an arse."

In today's society, people no longer fear being punched in the snoot for being rude. And especially on the internet when you can literally be extremely outspoken from behind the veil of an anonymous nickname, such as Literate Lycan, where I can be oh so brave and rude and even type in ALL CAPS like I am yelling to get my point across. As if the person reading my response can't simply whisper the words instead.

I have more thoughts but coffee is made and I'm going to actually fight this morning. And teach. And then see what the storm has brought. Great topic.
Miki​(masochist female)
2 years ago • Oct 1, 2022
Miki​(masochist female) • Oct 1, 2022
I think there has been "bickering" for as long as there have been online forums.

Or perhaps even forums/debate groups in general.

I think it is, by and large, a human nature thing, amplified by the ease of popping in, reading a few posts, getting worked up (opinions always differ) firing off a few verbal rounds and leaving, only to return later, see if anyone disagreed a little too "harshly" in their humble opinion and launch another barrage of digital hot air.

I generally stay out of such frays, only contributing where I believe my 2 cents might actually rub together (I know, supposed to be nickels but 2 nickels are worth about two cents these days) -- and I leave, being sure to un-tick the little blue "Notify Me" box bottom left.

I already have long since shut off email notificatins of replies. I don't really need to see any replies, either in agreement or opposition.

I say my piece and move on.
sexycurves​(sub female)
2 years ago • Oct 7, 2022
sexycurves​(sub female) • Oct 7, 2022
I agree there is a lot of infighting on forum posts and I think it's ridiculous and disrespectful to the OP.

If I'm going to respond, then it will be to the OP's question and not to the infighting - although I do sometimes say what I think needs to be said and then respond to the OP.
Defender​(dom male)
1 year ago • Oct 8, 2022
Defender​(dom male) • Oct 8, 2022
Great topic.

It needed discussion.

Oh, and don't argue with me about this.

Otherwise I will hate you.

bodice ripping
1 year ago • Oct 9, 2022
bodice ripping • Oct 9, 2022
Being new here, I’m looking through past discussions to see if what interests me has one. I found a squirting discussion that quickly devolved into a fight about the semantics of posts and how a thread should be ran. The discussion has been locked due to inactivity. I guess people have more opinions about how to talk about about squirting than experience with squirting.
1 year ago • Dec 8, 2022
I'mME • Dec 8, 2022
Richlydefined wrote:
I spend a lot of time with large gatherings of people and I would say that the fighting is something that people just do but there are some big differences. On the internet, conflicts end up concentrated in places like a forum. Since all anyone has is text there, people can go back and (over) analyze what has been said because once it's posted they can read it over and over or go back and continue to take offense to the comment. Personally, I am of a belief that written responses are useless because they don't properly convey the subtle nuances of tone that we would use when speaking aloud to understand one another. On the internet, every forum post is like stacking dominoes and once one party is (seemingly or intentionally) injured more and more can (and will) piggyback on that.
As to whether we should step in? I don't think we should let things run rampant but I don't think we should feed the issue either. I feel that both of those things have to be fixed on a personal level though. People seem to have forgotten that just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean that they are suddenly evil or that they hate you just because they don't agree, they are just a different person with a different point of view. Until people learn to apply that mentality before they respond, it will never stop.


There can be many things that derail a forum or anything 3lse done online.
My favorite is when someone changes what is written in black and white, changes the narrative.

I have never spent as much time online as I have for the past couple years. I can not even figure out a correct fraction to give an idea of just how much time.
I keep wondering when what I described above started happening.

I am never going to be good with that behavior.
But I do enjoy reading others thoughts and experiences on the different platforms.
So I will not completely abandon interacting online, but I made a decision to cut back online about 1 month ago.
It's been easier than I thought as long as I'm occupied with something else.
I will keep limiting myself. I didn't open my phone up for about 15 hours yesterday.
1 year ago • Jul 2, 2023
kaoh • Jul 2, 2023
Some would say the best course of action is to walk up to the biggest bully on the playground (chatroom) and punch them in the nose.

I've always found it much more satisfying to walk into the cockpit and agree with everything the bully has to say. Begin to make the argument better than the bully can to the point that they take their hands off the wheel and let you take over the argument. Then grab the wheel give it a quick jerk to the left and fly the whole mess into the nearest mountain. Kill the chat and smirk as the smoke billows behind you.

There is peace in absurdity
1 year ago • Jul 2, 2023
autisticbarbie • Jul 2, 2023
My fighting is usually me v. me but sometimes I love trolling idiots too. Myself included.

My legitimate beefs are: cancel culture, selective enforcement of BS rules and just stupidity.

I'm still hoping pimpin curly shows up to slap a bunch of idiots on this website. Especially me.