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Jugging reationships

7 months ago • Sep 22, 2023

Jugging reationships

farashacaveluv • Sep 22, 2023
So my current partner told me that he does not have much bandwidth for negative emotions and much in the way of emotional labor. Two other folks who I am interested in came through in a more supportive way recently. So, I have reconnected/flirted a little with a former dom who is one of those separate supportive people. I still want to date the person who stated their boundaries, but I guess I don't shut out other options or connections as they present themselves with full transparency of course. Any thoughts would be helpful.
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tallslenderguy​(other male)
7 months ago • Sep 22, 2023
i'm gonna be cliche and quote: "necessity is the mother of invention."

We are all complex individuals. Sure, we fall into groups and we come up with terms and labels to help us communicate, but no two people are exactly alike?

Some of us have very different and more rare differences from the 'norm,' or from culturally established/conditioned notions or standards.

To me, our differences, the realities of who we are and what we need and want, can help us learn to look and listen vs just conforming to how we were conditioned to do relationship.

It makes sense to me to look for relationship/s that meet the reasons for entering and maintaining those relationships in the first place. It seems healthy and honest to me to look for people who honestly synch with us rather than trying to force someone to try and be what they are not.

i do not believe any two people are 100% compatible, so the challenge is finding people who aline with what each deems as most important. For instance, i'm a total bottom gay guy, so another bottom who is a woman is not gonna work. However, i can compromise on Taco Tuesday with a Top Guy Who wants to keep me barefoot and pregnant with Him.

It's different for everyone, for some people, monogamy is a non negotiable, others open relationship is a necessity.

i see multiple relationship as a way for some people to meet their needs. To me, the important parts of any intimate relationship is knowing ourselves and what we must have, communication and compatibility of "must haves." Some get enough of that with one person, some need several.
i think it's a complex and varied as humanity. Big topic. icon_smile.gif
7 months ago • Sep 23, 2023

Re: Jugging reationships

Miki • Sep 23, 2023
farashacaveluv wrote:
So my current partner told me that he does not have much bandwidth for negative emotions and much in the way of emotional labor. Two other folks who I am interested in came through in a more supportive way recently. So, I have reconnected/flirted a little with a former dom who is one of those separate supportive people. I still want to date the person who stated their boundaries, but I guess I don't shut out other options or connections as they present themselves with full transparency of course. Any thoughts would be helpful.

I'm gonna be my blunt self.

"Doesn't have the bandwith"

Give me a fucking break!

I am totally deaf / mute and I never saw horseshit like this!

Sounds to me like a piss-poor way of telling you "No"

Jettison the cyberspeak and reconnect with humanity!
