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What really pisses you off?

11 months ago • Oct 29, 2023
I'mME • Oct 29, 2023
LordofPain56 wrote:
Miki wrote:

People who stop and stand--- in the middle of a grocery store aisle, sidewalk or worst of all in a doorway--- They don't move. They're too busy dicking around with their phones.

Not that it makes me mad, but I have to wonder if some people would survive if you took their stupid cellphone away. Hey folks....theres a LIFE outside of those cellphones, ya know!
But I am one to talk. I've never even owned one. Sorry, I'm too busy actually living a real life and getting things done.


I'm the person that if I have the actual human being in front of me, I never pick my phone up, it stays either in car or in my purse.. I appreciate the actual warmth of a human as opposed to a small computer called a cell phone.

One I will say, is it's a fact that I can not get anything accomplished with a cell phone in one hand. But I'm GenX, so I remember computers becoming, not having a cell phone instead we had land lines. Hell, I can remember ppl not having a phone. Lol.
I will put the phone down, and get busy in yard, 9r whatever and never check the phone. 8 hrs.
It upsets people, but it's not done intentionally, just when I'm busy w my hands, my mind stops and rests, what phone?
CherryDrop​(sub female)
11 months ago • Oct 30, 2023
CherryDrop​(sub female) • Oct 30, 2023
People who don't enjoy your company but keep you around only for their benefit- Basically using you whenever they need or want but never pulling in for you despite calling you a friend. I go through it all the time at work, and it just really makes me want to have a Madea moment. People who don't use their turn signal or drive as if they're scared (40 on a 60 highway) also get on my nerves, like I understand if your new to driving but hold off on the highway/freeway if you're going to hold others up and take 35 minutes switching lanes. One last thing that just really sets me steaming is when people are insincere, I hate when others apologize to me or say the sweetest things, but their actions don't support it, or they go right back to screwing around as soon as their guilt is "gone and forgiven."
11 months ago • Oct 30, 2023
Notely • Oct 30, 2023
I know everyone does it different. If No support , love , honesty , growth , peace know reason to continue.
Anger I do not do but come completely silent , untraceable , untouchable , Out of reach out of the climate that world and into my own. I just leave know point to even waste a breathe. If does bring peace I don’t need to enter. Simply leave it be not my job to fix them they can only grow for them self. Wish them the best after you leave with love yourself block number change number. left because don’t need to be their to say it. Better things to doing self , embracing life , Vibing going to growth places that understand I’m the boss my own life it’s my temple only have time for peace ✌️. Still send peace and love forgive let go without talking to them and release cut the cord and move in to a new light not the end only the beginning life goes on new phase And light take different path and route to be completely
Aroused in my own belief make my own life beautiful. To only leave them with peace no harm done with a note. Never stay long with narcissistic or control freak best to disappear no trace don’t talk to them just leave be safe think for own good health well being. Get to independent they never let you this your time to win they lost you this one thing best revenge never give up on you! Madonna - The Power Of Good-Bye

Last edited by * on Mon Oct 30, 2023 8:56 pm, edited 2 times in total
11 months ago • Oct 30, 2023
ThomasVa • Oct 30, 2023
This does……
A very young submissive e-mails you and ask questions about her Dom/Master.
She gives you all the info on what they have done, what they are doing, what he makes
her do and how it makes her feel. You tell her you have strong concerns if he is legitimate.
She says Thank you. Then adds she thinks I am wrong.
11 months ago • Oct 30, 2023
I'mME • Oct 30, 2023

No one wants to think that they are being used and abused .
11 months ago • Oct 30, 2023
ThomasVa • Oct 30, 2023
I agree,

That’s why I put it the way I did.
Miki​(masochist female)
11 months ago • Oct 30, 2023
Miki​(masochist female) • Oct 30, 2023
LordofPain56 wrote:
Miki wrote:
Or (yes this still happens in 2023) in a long line at the grocery store, and wouldn't you know it, freakin' Ma & Pa Kettle unload their 3 or 4 items at the register ... and proceed to write a fucking check. Of course they're blind as bats even with thick-ass glasses--- so it takes them forever to stare at the check 2 inches from their faces in order to write out the Pay to Order line and the amount.

Kindof reminds me of everytime I go to the grocery store, I always have about a half a dozen items and pay cash, and i would be there and gone if not for the people in front of me buying the whole store, but it doesn't make me angry. It has happened so many times now, I come to expect it. Besides that, If I get to the checkout at the same time as another person who has more in their cart, they are ALWAYS gracious enough to let me in front of them. So nice!

Miki wrote:
When I was sexually active I'd have guys over for weekends or nights off to, well, y'know, get busy-- Well, one tool decides to get up, take a dump and then use up 3/4 of the fucking roll of paper to wipe his hairy ass.--- and if that weren't bad enough he gets up later to hang a leak, and leaves the damned seat up!!

Not that there is any sex involved but I know a girl who visits here sometimes and when she goes to the bathroom, she uses at least half a roll of bathroom tissue at a time, whereas, I only use two squares folded over. Not that It gets me mad, but you can imagine my initial shock. Is that a difference between a guys stool as opposed to a girl?

Interesting. some minds think alike, though not necessarily "great" minds. Certainly not in my mostly empty head, but to your points, none of this shit "pisses me off". It's just annoying. As I said it frosts my ass when these things happen.

The grocery store... between people stopping in their tracks in the aisle to yap on the phone or to someone they run into, the checkout lines where some buttcrack unloads 20 items --- in the "12 Items or Less" line.. The list goes on.

The ass paper.. Sometimes one has to use more than 2 squares (especially if using that cut rate newsprint found in a package of Scotts butt paper. But half (or more) of the fucking roll? Please! I live alone and only buy that crap in 4 packs.

The phone thing, well given that I can't talk I have one and communicate via text, but not often. I put the thing away and check it every few hours especially if I am in a convo or expecting to "hear" from someone.

But you are right about the addictive properties of what is on those things. I literally know of coworkers who left the house to go somewhere and actually suffered anxiety attacks (withdrawal?) when they realized they left it on the kitchen table. Some have left work to go home and get their phones.

The other panic attacks when the device is in use too long and the fucking battery goes to hell.
Sweet Minx​(sub female){NotLooking}
11 months ago • Nov 7, 2023
Its monday and its time to bring this back 👀
~ people who assume I'm dumb because I'm a female and/or submissive
~ rude fake ass doms who mail me and immediately think I'm going to fall to my knees for them and kiss their feet and do other things
~ incompetence (whatever you do, do it well)
BrazenHussy​(other female)
10 months ago • Nov 13, 2023
BrazenHussy​(other female) • Nov 13, 2023
Slow drivers on the highway in the left-hand lane. Seriously. Move the f*** over. Either you're going at least 80mph, or you're in my way. I've got shit to do.
Miki​(masochist female)
10 months ago • Nov 13, 2023
Miki​(masochist female) • Nov 13, 2023
Again not a "piss me off" thing .. just a tan my ass thing....

People (mostly dudes) who walk up to me and start flapping their jaws at length even though I'm wearing my International Symbol of the Deaf" button right on the breast panel of my jacket or blazer... considering that's where their eyes go first most of the time.